17 // Action

Nov 27, 2011 00:33

A. OUTSIDE 5270 CUNNINGHAM LANE (open to all)

[She sifted through the rubble one more time, looking for the gun she had regained. No luck. Of course not. She sighed and glanced up ( Read more... )

make the mun cry it's cool, cannibalfield, mayfield ic, cry some more, cry

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B letunityblossom November 27 2011, 17:20:53 UTC
[Lithuania's been pacing about in fits of wound-tight energy, but he sits down next to Koharu now. There isn't a lot he can say to make this better, but maybe being nearby will help a little bit.]


B willbeurweapon November 27 2011, 17:27:11 UTC
[She bit her lip as he sat beside her, swallowing her sobs now that he was there beside her. No need to worry him needlessly. He had to be worried enough now] H-Hello Lithuania.


letunityblossom November 27 2011, 17:36:22 UTC
[Lithuania smiles, although it's thin.]

It's kind of scary, isn't it? We'll be okay, though.


willbeurweapon November 27 2011, 17:47:24 UTC
[She smiles back automatically. It's a little scary how easily she smiles when she's sad]

It's scary. Will things go back to normal? Like they did after the robot...


letunityblossom November 27 2011, 18:07:20 UTC
[Lithuania nods.]

We're still in Mayfield. They're just doing something terrible again, that's all. They won't keep going indefinitely.


willbeurweapon November 27 2011, 18:14:23 UTC
[She wiped her eyes and nodded, looking up at him uncertainly] You don't have to worry about me. I'm okay.


letunityblossom November 27 2011, 18:18:21 UTC
[Lithuania doesn't really believe Koharu's entirely okay, but if that helps her get through this, she can say it all she likes. He pats her on the head.]


willbeurweapon November 27 2011, 18:24:53 UTC
[She smiles and nods, looking back at her hands]

Are you okay?


letunityblossom November 27 2011, 18:27:17 UTC
I'm fine.

[Incredibly worried, of course, about a vast number of things. But it could always be worse.]

We have enough to survive down here for now, that's enough.


willbeurweapon November 27 2011, 18:49:47 UTC
Maybe things will work out then. [She twists her hair around her finger] ...You're no more fine than I am, are you?


letunityblossom November 27 2011, 18:54:32 UTC
[Lithuania laughs, though it's more just a quick exhalation of air.]

Did you learn about the Cold War in school?


willbeurweapon November 27 2011, 18:59:02 UTC
...Yes. [She put her hands in her lap and turned to face him, curious] I--oh.


letunityblossom November 27 2011, 19:01:57 UTC
[Lithuania looks up at the ceiling.]

On the one hand, it's something I used to consider a possibility. I'm not--entirely unprepared. But...

[It's not anything he ever wanted to really experience.]


willbeurweapon November 27 2011, 19:07:16 UTC
...I understand. [She reached over and squeezed his hand] It's alright. We'll get through this and things will be back to normal. Just your average Mayfield horribleness to come right?


letunityblossom November 27 2011, 19:08:46 UTC
[Lithuania's smile is less forced.]

Right. Things will get better.


willbeurweapon November 28 2011, 04:27:08 UTC
Always. Things always get better.


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