3 // Action

Feb 17, 2011 10:38


[Koharu's sitting in the living room, smoothing out a handmade Lithuanian flag on her lap and blushing so so so very much. She has a box of chocolates beside her and she just picks at the stitching on the flag. Then she shakes her head again, blushing so much more]

W-Why did I do that...I...[She shakes her head and buries her face in her hands] What would Sora think...


[She's carrying a small bag and wandering down the streets one by one, glancing up at the street names. She's...lost again. She never quite remembered to pay attention to WHERE streets were in relation to one another. She even ends up by the shops and the park at one point]

I wish I remembered...[uncertain look around]

awkward blushing times, lost again, mayfield ic, mayfield, post event

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