Hi! Beta Wanted.

Nov 10, 2012 15:52

Hello! I need a beta, whether it's one-time or permanent, it'd be nice to have some help ^^.

For the beta, a good grasp of the English language, able to fix grammar and spelling mistakes and alter words to make it sound/flow better.

I mostly write one-shots for the most part, but am slowly leaning towards chaptered series as of late and put myself in a ton of self-made challenges. I'm fine with how long it takes for it to be beta'd, I understand time constraints ^^.

Fandom: I write mostly from SMTOWN: Super Junior, DBSK, Exo and some het pairings (smtown/f(x). They tend to vary and I write plenty of rare pairs for the fun of it. Occasionally I write stories outside such as Ryotego, Baekren etc etc.

Pairings: Mostly yaoi, no ot3s and some hets. I write too many pairings but tend to prefer rare pairs over the OTPs in most cases. Can check out my list of pairing tags to get a good grasp of it. If you can't with some pairings or would like to only beta a few particular, that's fine with me too.

Genre: I mainly write romance, but varies from small fluff to drama/angst. Lately I'm more into the latter.

Ratings: PG to PG-13, I still haven't and don't plan on reaching NC-17/R anytime soon (don't think I'm cut out for it.)

Warning: I haven't done rape, excessive violence or incest, sometimes there is alluding to subjects for a few stories but that's about it. My stories are random, cliche. I doubt I'll ever write an epic blockbuster sort, I just write for the fun of it.

I'm the type of author who can't answer questions to my own errors, I draw a blank whenever I reread my own works and can't understand the errors though I know they're there. My previous beta who's currently buried in school work atm, knows this personally and has stopped asking me questions at one point. I know its impossible to read my mind in the beginning, and I'll try my best to answer them.

tl;dr: I have no real understanding of grammar, and it shows.

Please PM if you're interested. ^^
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