❚ permissions.

Dec 07, 2010 17:11

permissions &etc;Fourth-wall break: No.
Thread-jacking: Okay, in moderation.
Backtagging: My freaking saviour (being a busy person and all), so yes, very much so.

Mind reading: Allowed, mostly because she doesn't have big secrets nowadays.
Location sensing: Allowed, but don't expect her too sit still.
Telepathy: Yes. Regarding Birdie, she doesn't have telepathy, more like empathy, which means she can sense people's emotions. It's not magic, but rather her nature.
Special/Magical items: I reckon there is none in, but for sake of clarity: there is an enchanted bell in her world that can summon and, in a way, enslave phoenixes and she's completely powerless against it. Additionally, if she happens to fall in love with someone, that someone "owns" her heart and has the same power has the said power of the bell of summoning her at will. She can also be summoned by the Call, a sort of binding spell that can only be used by extremely powerful magicians.

Phoenix: She can turn into her phoenix form at will, given as she is one. She will tend to maintain human form, however, out of habit and because it lets her approach people more easily, so she can listen to stories and not have to worry about getting her pretty feathers plucked out.
Healing: Her tears have great healing properties and can cure just about anything: the poison of a venomous bite, the wound of cold steel, the burn of a hot pie and even Death. However, she is not going to be crying all the time, so don't expect her to be the doctor in service. She also regenerates pretty fast.
Music: She sings a lot. It's in her nature. However, her songs have a special property: if you are 'good', your soul will be filled with a surge courage and raise your spirits, basically letting you believe you can conquer anything if you will it. Reversely, if you are 'evil', you will see her as threat and you will end up fearing her, or, at the least, feel unwilling to do anything but flee. If you could comment which effect her music would have on your character, I'd be delighted! Additionally, if she likes you, she'll sing songs specifically for you alone and whichever your 'alignment' is, you will feel invincible.
Magic senses: Being a magical creature, Birdie has an affinity with magic. She can sense it ("smell it, taste it, hear it, feel it" as she tends to say), be it all around her or from one person in particular.
Fire & Cold: As a phoenix, Birdie is constantly looking for warmth. She can increase the temperature of her body until her skin burns at the lightest touch. She cannot be burnt. On the other side, she doesn't like the cold at all and she will always look for warm places. While cold isn't fatal to her, she would rather avoid it since it difficults her task of becoming warmer.
Rebirth: As a phoenix, she is able to be reborn if killed. The only way to definitely kill her is to deprive her of her magic (no idea how you would do that, though) or to deprive her of warmth during rebirth.
Others: As time will pass, she will, too, become stronger. As such, I will keep this list updated.

Fighting capabilities: For now, near null. She is an extremely magical being, but she's very young, so she's not exactly at the peak of her power. Mostly, she would rather run or hide behind someone stronger than fight. She will, however, try to protect those she is loyal to.
Injury/Death: Both allowed; it's pretty easy to injure her since she's rather fragile and her bones are easily breakable (hollow bones). You can "kill" her, but she will be reborn as long as she has a source of warmth near (if she was to die frozen, she would die for good).
Win/Lose/Tie: It's more likely the fight won't even happen, but depending on who is she standing up against, it can either be a win or a lose. She doesn't do ties, apparently. Whichever's fairest.
Medical/Physical information: If anyone picked up Birdie, they would notice how light she is. This is because her bones are hollow. As such, they are extremely fragile, so handle with care. It's easy to break her.

Relationships/Romance: Her notion of relationship is different from a human's; she's much more on the playful type, but also a lot more physical. If you are a friend, she will touch you, curl up against you to look for warmth, tug and pull, but all done in the most genuine way ever. As for romance... Well, she's a phoenix, she would hardly let herself be bound by such a thing as love. She doesn't even know what the word means.
Physical contact: Yes. In fact, you may throw out the window your notion of personal space around Birdie. If she likes you, she's going to invade it like it is nobody's business.
Sexual contact: Hum, she doesn't know anything about sexuality, which isn't to say she wouldn't be willing to learn, but you'd probably opt better to wait until Spring.

Triggers/Secrets/Facts: She is a bird, little things will startle her, but what she cannot stand is bells; they make her feel trapped, anxious and like she is never going to fly again.

Still have a question? Want to plot? DO YOU WANT TO GIVE ME YOUR SOUL? Anything else? Use this and abuse this post. It welcomes y'all.


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