Willow's study, Cair Paravel, Wednesday morning

Apr 29, 2009 10:23

Every Wednesday Willow checked for an update on how her pregnancy was doing. She did this every day that wasn't Wednesday too, but she switched the books up so she was getting the most information.

Today's book told her that, if she had guessed her schedule right, Alex was theoretically due in a few weeks and could technically come out at any time and be a happy, healthy, full-fledged person that Willow had grown inside of her own body.

Willow was still getting used to how weird being pregnant was. Now she realized she needed to get used to how weird not being pregnant was going to be.

This caused her a tiny bit of panic. She decided she needed to call in the reserves. She got out one of her hidden laptops, logged on to the alumni network, and started composing an email.

From: Willow
To: Xander
Subject: !!!!!

Baby! Not yet baby but possibly soon baby and baby who is coming here soon and by here I mean out of me and then will be an entire person who is relying on me to take care of his every need and not screw up or else he'll be ruined for life and I'll have to start teaching talking animals about therapy just so the baby can go to it when he's older and can tell them all about how his mother ruined his life because she dressed him in the wrong jammies right when he was learning how to distinguish colors and now he can't look at anything purple without bursting into tears and he doesn't know why except that it's my fault and I can never be forgiven.

Also? Sitting on bladders may be comfy from the baby's point of view but it's not so much when you're the one having to waddle your way to the bathroom.

So there's panic but also happiness I swear and Peter and everyone have been wonderful but I am going coo-coo and not in a fun way that involves clocks or chocolate cereal. Do you think maybe you could come by and stay for a little while when my due date is closer? Maybe let me dump some of my panic on you so it's not being dumped all over a kingdom? Bridge could come too, if he wanted. Pretty please? I could introduce you to the baby monitor and my really big cat. It'll be fun, in a total freakout meltdown kind of way.

Let me know?


Willow hit send and hoped for the best.

[ooc: open for email replies and/or any Narnia folks who want to wander by]

zomg baby!!!, cair paravel, email, xander, narnia

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