Willow's study, Cair Paravel, Wednesday afternoon

Nov 12, 2008 10:48

Willow had a study of her very own! It was possible she was far too thrilled about this, but she didn't care.

She'd already moved most of her things in, and hidden the magic and technological supplies. That done - or at least comfortably done for now - she sat down with a cup of tea and got to writing some post-wedding notes.

Dear Isabel and Wyatt,

Thank you so much for the paperweight! Since using computers is something I have to be all hidey about I do have a lot of papers that tend to fly around whenever a breeze goes by and then it's AWFUL because they're NOT ORGANIZED and I have no way of finding them which is SO SAD because then they're LOST and they feel like I don't love them and I do and it's not their fault that they're so light and aerodynamic! And you can't hug them to make them feel better because then there's crumpling issues. But you can weigh them down with an object made for paper weighing! Which I do, so thank you.

(Peter would too but I thought it was pretty so I snuck it into my study first, HA!)


Dear John and Aeryn,

Thank you for the toaster! Though we do not actually have a whole bunch of electricity here in a non-lightening related format, we do have copious toast needs and I'm working on that power thing because wow will it make so many things easier. Currently I'm pondering something involving steam, though naturally that does raise the issue of getting the bread all soggy.

I'd also like to make it programmable so that when Peter wakes up in the morning there can be yummy toast waiting for him but that will involve retrofitting the toaster with AI and that's probably best held off until after the power issue is solved because if it gets burned by the steam it's probably better for everyone if the toaster can't remember it.

Anyway, thanks!


Dear Ronan,

Thank you for the chocolates! Peter and I shall definitely enjoy them possibly in naughty ways and share them with Lucy DEFINITELY NOT in naughty ways and save them for those times when chocolate is completely and absolutely the one thing you need in order to not feel so grumpy though for some reason that doesn't help out when you have wedding jitters and instead goes into a whole urpy area so really it's a good thing that you provided the chocolate after instead of before, which goes with the whole concept of why it was a wedding gift so really it all works out pretty well.


Dear Phoebe, Bel, and Cooking Study Buddy,

Thank you so much for the pretty swans! As you saw we're big on lighting things with fire (though not lighting things ON fire which is a completely separate issue and lacks fun if it isn't directed towards wood or other appropriate objects) so extra candle holders are always useful.

We've put them out in the sitting room so they can be shared and enjoyed by all who visit us, even if their purpose for visiting doesn't involve sitting because the room really is quite adaptable in spite of the name.

PS - Anders you better not be smoking!


Dear Sokka,

Thank you for the gift certificate to Turtle and Canary. Peter and I will make use of it the next time we're in Fandom and need to stock up on all the kinds of supplies that we don't have here since this is Narnia and not Fandom and it's really very sad that nobody here has invented highlighters yet but believe you me I'm going to make sure someone works on it.


Dear Parker,

Thank you for the flowers and the beautiful stole. I've placed the flowers in my study to keep me company. They aren't singing yet. Possibly because they're shy. Possibly because they're currently wondering where in the heck they are. Possibly because they've forgotten the words. Either way they - like the stole - are pretty and cause smileyness.


Dear Jamie,

OFFICE SUPPLIES!!!! Which works out well since both Peter and I have new studies which are like offices but more bedroom-adjacent and now there are supplies for them which means they are not unsupplied studies which is happy-making all around. The toaster is also thoughtful and I would cut and paste what I said about toasters to John and Aeryn except I'm writing this by hand and that means cutting and pasting is very literal and it would leave John and Aeryn wondering why their letter had a big hole in the middle of it. But suffice it to say I have toaster plans so spare ones are useful. Much like OFFICE SUPPLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

And yes it is weird to write a "1" when you do that. It makes more sense when you type.


Dear Kawalsky,

Thank you very much for the beautiful chess set. I know Peter shall enjoy using it whenever Ed is home with us. He'll enjoy it at other times too but a 'fun for the whole family' vibe is what I was going for there. I'm sure you'll understand.

Please pass along our thanks to King Jonathan for the beautiful tapestry. I've had it hung in our sitting room so that gifts from the wedding can help make the space feel more homey. Please also pass along our thanks in a royal-appropriate format because I'm not sure if maybe there was a phrasing there that I was supposed to use other than "thanks" and I'm trying not to start any wars. Also note that when I say "our" I mean me and Peter. I don't have any other personalities hanging around that I know of and while I do have the shiny hat I don't feel I can speak for anyone but myself. And, well, Peter but that brings us back around to my point about us and being grateful.


Dear Piper,

Thank you for the beautiful glasses. Peter and I will be sure to enjoy them once I stop hyperventilating about how I might break them just by looking at them or worse just break one which means it'll be an unmatched set and the remaining glass will be all alone and that really ruins the symbolism particularly since they're a wedding gift.

Either way I bet mimosas taste extra yummy in them, so one day we'll find out!


Dear Xander and Bridge,



Dear Tyler,

Thank you for the sculpture. It's very nice. I'm sure Peter would have more words to say on the subject except he's all Britishy and stoic and, let's face it, of the two of us I'm way more likely to get thank you cards done since case in point here we are with the cards being done and me doing it. And you and I are still in a zone where I'm really never sure what to say so we'll go with "Yay art!" for now and you can imagine appropriately grateful yet Britishy words in the blank spaces. It may help if you drink tea while you do this.


Dear Zero and Peter of the Parker variety,

Thank you for the forks! We're also sorry that you couldn't join us, but at least we shall think of you whenever we are roasting things. By which I mean we'll be thinking things like "Yay forks that Zero and Peter gave us!" and not in a way that means we're burning you in effigy via sausages or other food items. Because we wouldn't do that and also wow with the gross imagery and way to make dinner a serious buzzkill.

cair paravel, narnia, yay pressies!, zomg wedding!!!

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