509, Tuesday Morning

Aug 29, 2006 10:37

Willow was busy. The sign for the book drive was still by the door, but right now she had more than books on her mind.

She'd sent Amy over to Xander's Sunnydale. That was a decision she had mixed emotions about, since it involved admitting she hadn't been able to cure Amy yet. Plus it was losing one more tie to her own Sunnydale, even though it was a tie that had been dangerous for her to have. With Jenny back and school starting, Willow had to be more careful about keeping her secret.

Being careful probably would've helped her out when she ran into Seely afterwards. Seely, who though he looked like Angel was nowhere near as polite. Still, Willow had managed to give him what for.

Now it was the next morning and she was in her room thinking very thinky thoughts and slowly dismantling Amy's old Habitrail. She wondered if anybody else could use it.

[ooc: open!]

cally, 509, jerky not like angel at all guy, linkdrop, byebyerattie, not my xander, marie, joxer

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