Mar 22, 2005 02:10
I repeat, this week will suck balls. Not the fish balls I added to my noodle soup I made earlier (I normally hate seafood, although these are quite tolerable), but huge, sweaty, nasty balls on a 78 y/o man. I have two exams on Weds, an 8-page journal entry due weds, and a 5-page paper due weds. Have I mentioned I work in 4 hours???
In other news, guys are fucking morons. Granted this isn't anything new, but I figured I'd let it be known yet again. I've been trying to change my ways and become a little more outgoing, but it's hard when I've been reserved for so long. Those I have shown interest in seem like they need to be chased. I mean shit, if you have an interest in me, lets hang out. Don't make me jump through hoops and exchange needless banter for 3 months before we grab a cup of coffee.
One other thing I need to address, friends... I've lost a few people recently because they didn't agree with my definition of a friend. A friend is someone I see on a regular basis (unless they've been grand-fathered in, like an old high school friend I still hang out with). If I don't talk to you at least twice a week (AIM does not count), and see you once a week you're not a friend. Let me introduce the idea of an acquaintance. 95% of the people I talk with online, say hello to at the bar, give an occasional hug are merely acquaintances. I'm not sure who all reads this, but if you think I'm being an ass, that's not my intention. There are those (acquaintances) I acknowledge more than others that I'd be glad to invest more time in, you should know who you are. I have no interest in fake ass people, so don't expect me to have some huge dramatic reaction when I run into you (not directed towards anyone in particular) at the bar.
Maybe I'm just in a shitty mood right now.