Disclaimer: Glee is owned by Ryan Murphy, FOX, and all the grand high mucky mucks. No copyright infringement is intended and no money was made from this little ficlit. Any similarity to any other story not my own is a coincidence. (And it is very, very, very similar to some other stories I've written)
Title: I Love You Like Love Song
Rating: R; rated sexual content
Genre: Glee, Emma/Will; Will POV
Timeline/Spoilers: The summer between season 3 and season 4 (so of course it will be very AU come this Fall)
Author’s Notes: I have a... thing for freckles, what can I say? So yes indeed, I have used that in other fics in other fandoms. *shrug* Sorry, but it works for me. *wry grin* And yes, I know that one of the lines that Will says contains a double negative, poor English, but it worked. *wry grin*
Oh, and no matter what happens, in my personal canon, Emma & Will are forever and ever. Fiat. *grin*
And of course, the title comes from the song of the same name. The song Will is humming is meant to be "Untitled #3" by Sigur Ros. And the quote in the graphic are lyrics from a Stephen Speaks song.
Fic here at my creative journal