⌠001 ♕ video⌡

Sep 09, 2010 11:21

[ a quick survey of morgana's surroundings have revealed a few things. one, she is not dead. two, she is stuck in the middle of a lake. the first is a good thing, the second not so much, because bad things tend to happen around lakes in camelot. though she obviously isn't there now, she's reasonably disoriented, and has only managed to make the junogam work by watching those on the canoes around her. ]

I'm not exactly sure how this is supposed to work, or how to activate this sorcery. However, those in the other boats seem to be using these things for communication, so if anyone is seeing this, I'd like some things cleared up, if you please.

First of all, how is it we came to be here? If this is some ill-conceived abduction, you'll soon find yourself sorry for having done it, whoever you are. If this is an enchantment, it must have taken someone of considerable power to achieve this. If that is the case, I don't know what they--or you, I suppose, if this is reaching whoever it is--hope to accomplish. Using me as a hostage will not work, if that was your aim.

Secondly, who are these others? They don't seem to be any more privy to how we got here than I am, so I can only assume they are in the same situation that I'm in. Though I'll admit I've never seen individuals attired so strangely.

I suppose what I'm after is a way off of this boat. I'll deal with figuring everything else out after that.

[ nobly born ladies seem to fall back on formality and haughtiness in times of crisis. ]

cmt: dexter grif, cmt: morgause, cmt: guinevere, cmt: tyki mikk, cmt: cassandra, cmt: jowan, morgana, cmt: sherlock holmes, cmt: arthur pendragon

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