Aug 11, 2010 14:15
[When the feed first turns on, it does so to some rather intense mutterings, most of which include phrases really only understood if you were from the deep south. However, after a long BEEEEEEEP that came from one of the buttons on the Junogam, there's a little yelp and then a long draw of silence.]
Well I'll be... this thing does work. What is this, some sort'a voodoo-hoodoo communication device?
... Prince Naveeeeeeeeeen! Y'didn't run away from me, didya? [HARUMPH!] It's nothin' but a little ol' kiss... [Suddenly she gasps and there's a bit of frantic movement]
Ooohhhh mud on a pig's rump! What time is it?!
[She picks up the Junogam again and holds it closer to her face, voice raaather loud by now]
Could someone on the other end of this boxy tin can thing tell me the fastest way to New Orleans? I gotta frog to kiss and a deadline to do it by!
cmt: gregory house,
cmt: river song,
cmt: arthur,
cmt: francis zach morgan,
cmt: kushina uzumaki,
cmt: john marston,
charlotte labouff,
cmt: sumire takahana