I find the Caravan's current situation to be better than originally anticipated. Our last...stop, though brief, has left me with the idea that this place is somehow more delusion than reality. The masquerade was not what I had expected either. Those who seek to lay claim to everything here are only asking for trouble.
However, there is good news: Miss Nodoka has helped in finding a suitable location for a church. We are in need of several items; I will make a list accordingly. Anyone aboard is welcome, whether they are seeking counsel or somewhere quiet. Miss Nodoka, if you think of anything else, please let me know.
It has also come to my attention that I am no longer roomed with Heine Rammsteiner. Does anyone know a...Link?
SENDING TO: charles.j.chrishunds@willanet.glo
Don't overdo it.
. . . | SENT