Jul 21, 2010 13:43
(feed begins with a mild clearing of the throat. soon, a calm, soothing voice swells within your junogam, taking over your network...)
Hello, passengers. I am Simon Simmon. As some of you have been made aware, and some of you have no wits of an idea, I am the Way-Warrant's assistant. I am here to answer your questions, complaints, and general fuss when Sir Amon is otherwise unavailable.
We synchronize our sleeping patterns just for these occasions.
More importantly, however, the caravan is now ready to depart. Please do make sure you're on board during these final calls. We wouldn't want to leave anyone behind.
(clears throat once more)
All aboard!
cmt: ashelia b'nargin dalmasca,
!npc: simon simmon,
cmt: cassandra,
cmt: austria,
cmt: ichigo kurosaki