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LMFAO AW AIGIS. SO DERPY aveclumiere July 7 2010, 15:45:06 UTC

SENDING TO: aigis@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: ...no thanks. The chances of me going to something as silly as that are practically zero. And do I even know you?


I couldn't help it fff XD getrightbackup July 7 2010, 20:18:29 UTC

SENDING TO: lightningfarron@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: I don't think it's silly at all. But thank you for giving me an estimate in regards to your chances of attending. It helps to know the odds. Still, I hope you reconsider. Are you hesitant to go because of the possibility of having your identity known? If you are truly unskilled at keeping yourself hidden, don't let that hold you back.

Upon receipt of this message, you began to know me. It's a pleasure to know you as well!


SHE'S SO CUTE I COULD DIE. lightning is a little less amused though aveclumiere July 7 2010, 20:38:29 UTC

SENDING TO: aigis@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: ..unskilled at keeping myself hidden--just who do you think you are? I'm not stupid. If I wanted to remain anonymous it's not something I would have trouble with.

And besides, that's the least of my problems. I've got more important things to focus on instead of some stupid houseparty or whatever it is, and spending my time with a bunch of strangers isn't exactly on my list of priorities.

...ugh, why are you even asking me anyways?


Aww ty. <33 But we all know annoying Lightning's our life goal. getrightbackup July 7 2010, 20:48:41 UTC

SENDING TO: lightningfarron@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to incorrectly judge your abilities with stealth. I will remember from now on that you are indeed skilled.

Your sister, Serah-san, seemed interested in having you go. She said that she hadn't invited you yet, so I took it upon myself to help her with the task. I believe it will make her very happy if you attend.



SENDING TO: aigis@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.


...Serah asked you? I...I doubt that. She would have asked me herself. There's no need for her to rely on a third party for that. She's my sister.


RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! getrightbackup July 7 2010, 21:24:01 UTC

SENDING TO: lightningfarron@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: She didn't ask me to. I did it of my own will. She seemed hesitant to do so herself; as she said, you are "always so serious" and "pretty stubborn." These are qualities that lowered the odds of your attendance, so I believe I can understand her hesitancy.

But from what I can tell, she cares about you deeply, so I didn't mind helping at all, if that is your concern.

[ OOC: Heading out! Will reply once I get back. ]


OBJECTION! THIS IS AN UNFAIR BATTLE!! she doesn't stand a chance... aveclumiere July 7 2010, 21:30:56 UTC

SENDING TO: aigis@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: ...she said that?

...huh, this event does sound like something she'd be interested in. Still..

...how do you know her anyways? Were you one of the others in that cell?

[ ooc; take your time bb! have fun. :> ]


OHOHOHO I have you now, my pretty! getrightbackup July 8 2010, 03:57:17 UTC

SENDING TO: lightningfarron@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: Yes, she did.

Though we were in a cell together, I did not converse with her there. I became too engrossed with the Junogam and trying to regain my bearings. We most recently spoke on this world's network, however. All of her statements, as well as mine, are freely available if you desire proof.


c-curses. the power of sisterly love, sob. aveclumiere July 8 2010, 04:31:19 UTC

SENDING TO: aigis@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: ...yeah, I can see it for myself now. It looks like she's excited about it...

...hn. I'll never understand the purpose of these sorts of functions. Why now, anyways? Aren't we supposed to be looking for that rose the Beast lost? This just seems unnecessary, to be honest.


8) getrightbackup July 8 2010, 05:14:17 UTC

SENDING TO: lightningfarron@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: She is. It is easy to tell.

I suppose the masquerade's purpose is to brighten our spirits before we undertake such a daunting task while meeting others at the same time. It was kind of Beast-san to offer such an opportunity, I think. I've never worn an elaborate costume, so I am eager to go! Though, would a maid's uniform count as an elaborate costume? An interesting thought.


aveclumiere July 8 2010, 19:19:30 UTC

SENDING TO: aigis@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: ...a maid's costume? What, no, that's not. That's not exactly proper attire for that sort of thing.

...at least I don't think it is. Again, I wouldn't know. I make it a habit not to waste my time with things like parties and social functions unless I'm required to attend.


getrightbackup July 9 2010, 06:44:07 UTC

SENDING TO: lightningfarron@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: Ah. I shall keep this in mind. Regardless, I do not have the outfit with me, so I suppose it doesn't matter either way.

Do you enjoy the ones that are required?


aveclumiere July 9 2010, 16:43:51 UTC

SENDING TO: aigis@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: Hardly. Those sorts of things and events with people flaunting their ranks and their family names, no, they really aren't the ideal way I want to spend my evening.


/lives getrightbackup July 11 2010, 08:11:50 UTC

SENDING TO: lightningfarron@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: Perhaps this one will be different, as you will not initially know who you are interacting with. I believe this will make "flaunting" difficult. In addition, I don't think anyone here would be interested in doing such a thing. Don't you agree?


/breathes life into aveclumiere July 12 2010, 02:24:06 UTC

SENDING TO: aigis@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: ..tch, maybe. You seem like you're really going out of your way to make Serah happy. What's the deal?


getrightbackup July 12 2010, 02:41:45 UTC

SENDING TO: lightningfarron@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: The masquerade.

YOUR MESSAGE: She is my friend. I wish to see her happy, and you as well.


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