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[ voice/action? ] nadsofsteel July 7 2010, 06:13:16 UTC
[ There's a silver-haired guy across the cell from York, looking vaguely interested in his story. He digs out his own Junogam and speaks into it, too lazy to raise his voice. ]

What's all this about ritual sacrifice on a harvest moon? That's not how those things usually work. It's all about tossing young brides into rivers to marry the gods and seppuku and whatever.

I don't suppose that's a lollipop you got there either, huh? Or that you'd have more?

( ooc | sorry for the notif spam! you saw nothing. fellow cellmate just cruisin' for some sugar. )


[SOUNDS GOOD] callmeyork July 7 2010, 06:38:58 UTC
Oh? I can't say I've heard of that legend before. Zach, I think we need to broaden our horizons. Though, it certainly sounds interesting. True to life, even. I'm quite sure I've stumbled across a case or two like that.

[ a pause ] No, no. It's a cigarette. A real one, I mean. Not one of those candy cigarettes. Those were awful, weren't they, Zach? I'm afraid I don't have any candy on me.

[ IT'S ALL GOOD o/!! don't mind york. he's a little weird ]


[ then onward ho, forever! ] nadsofsteel July 7 2010, 06:52:28 UTC
I wouldn't really call it a legend. It's what people used to do in Japan to appease the gods around their villages, but you know how things went with the Amanto. Assuming we're still in Japan and not in outer space. Don't suppose you know anything about why we ended up here or where "here" is. huh? You are a cop, right?

Ahhhh. That's a shame, but thanks anyway. Doctor said I shouldn't eat so much sugar in the first place, but it helps me think too.

( ooc | kegng I see XD can others hear him talking... to himself, I'm guessing? )


[INDEED!!] callmeyork July 7 2010, 06:59:59 UTC
Oh, it's a custom, then? I can't say I know too much about what goes on in The Land of the Rising Sun. But I'd certainly be interested to hear more.

[ he takes a long drag ] Sorry, I can't help you, there. Even though there are a number of Japanese people here, I can't confirm that we're actually in Japan. Could be a case of racial profiling. Wouldn't that just beat all?

Technically, I'm an FBI Agent. Francis York Morgan. [ a pause ] Please, just call me York. It's what everyone calls me.

At any rate, you should listen to your doctor. It can't be a good sign if you're so willing to go against his orders.

[ DOESN'T MATTER TO ME /o/ Gintoki can notice him talking to himself if you want! ]


nadsofsteel July 7 2010, 08:03:28 UTC
I guess you could call it that, sure. A custom. If the rivers flooded crops or whatever, people thought the gods were angry with them so they'd find a young girl, dress her up in a bride's kimono, then toss her in the river. Not the nicest custom or anything, because no one wants to be married to a dragon in the first place. You don't see much of that anymore though, not with the Amanto.

Racial profiling, huh? Seems pretty equal if you wanna look at it like that.

Sakata Gintoki, but just Gintoki's fine. Nice 'ta meet you, York. Isn't the FBI supposed to be a big secret?

There's nothing wrong with a sweet tooth, that doctor doesn't know what he's talkin' about anyway.


callmeyork July 8 2010, 07:14:16 UTC
Amazing. So brutal and yet, still poetic, in its own gruesome way. May I ask what the "Amanto" is, though?

[ puffs out smoke ] A pleasure, Gintoki. To answer your question, no, we're not. You might be confusing us with some other, more unsavory groups. Like the Illuminati, for example.

Too many sweets can't be good for your weight. Or general health. I'd suggest to take his words to heart, but who am I to harp on someone for unhealthy life choices? [ motions to his cigarette ]


nadsofsteel July 9 2010, 09:56:21 UTC
You don't know the Amanto? You know, the weirdos from outer space that built the Terminal towers, fly around in the sky, bring their alien pet octopuses from mars and set up shabu-shabu panty bars and casinos everywhere.

So I guess you're from America, huh? That might be why you don't know the Amanto.

Hey, I'm an active guy. I'm very fit. I make sure to work off the calorie intake.

[ Yeah, he totally looks the part, if you notice his deep slouch against the wall. But "fit" can't be argued-- he's all lean muscle and broad chest, despite his lazy stature. ]


callmeyork July 10 2010, 08:28:09 UTC
...Uh. No. No, I can't say I've ever heard of anything like that. Sounds like the perfect set up for a movie, though. Don't you agree, Zach?

America, yes. Home of the Free, and greasy fast food.

Yes, but you're also young. You should develop good lifestyle habits before it's too late. Sure, you might be fit now, but once you hit 30, it'll all go downhill from there.


nadsofsteel July 15 2010, 11:41:27 UTC
Sure, but I thought we did introductions already. I'm Gintoki. You don't have to start calling me random names, oi.

Nothin' wrong with greasy fast food, though I guess I prefer traditional food more. More Japanese spirit and all that, plus the junk food's better. Nothing like a good nmaibo or some dango to finish off a meal.

Hey, you can't be that much older than me. It's all about daily maintenance.


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