SENDING TO: DIANA@willanet.glo SUBJECT LINE: Re: Information.
YOUR MESSAGE: If there's some way you can contact him without alerting him to the fact I gave away this information, I would be grateful. He's intelligent, so he'll be able to put two and two together easily enough if you contact him too soon, and I'm sure he won't be very happy with me because of it.
SENDING TO: lloydasplund@willanet.glo SUBJECT LINE: Re: Information.
YOUR MESSAGE: I see. I must confront Beyond Birthday about this matter, but I can offer you my protection. It does not sit well with me to merely let the matter sit until it is safer to approach him, if that time comes at all.
SENDING TO: lloydasplund@willanet.glo SUBJECT LINE: Re: Information.
YOUR MESSAGE: I will tell you both before and after, Lloyd. Please take care to be safe. If you need assistance for any reason, do not hesitate to contact me again.
SENDING TO: DIANA@willanet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: Re: Information.
YOUR MESSAGE: If there's some way you can contact him without alerting him to the fact I gave away this information, I would be grateful. He's intelligent, so he'll be able to put two and two together easily enough if you contact him too soon, and I'm sure he won't be very happy with me because of it.
...Thank you.
SENDING TO: lloydasplund@willanet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: Re: Information.
YOUR MESSAGE: I see. I must confront Beyond Birthday about this matter, but I can offer you my protection. It does not sit well with me to merely let the matter sit until it is safer to approach him, if that time comes at all.
SENDING TO: DIANA@willanet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: Re: Information.
YOUR MESSAGE: I see. That's fine.
Will you contact me after you get a hold of him, so I can know when to be on guard?
SENDING TO: lloydasplund@willanet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: Re: Information.
YOUR MESSAGE: I will tell you both before and after, Lloyd. Please take care to be safe. If you need assistance for any reason, do not hesitate to contact me again.
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