
May 23, 2010 22:30


--------- USER: Cid Amon (cid.amon@willaknet.glo)

( Some wind's rustling in the background! Could it be that he's on a certain giant's shoulder?! )

Iiiiii'm baaaaaaaack!

Oh, I've been trying to catch up on what you're all saying! It's quite a hassle, considering you are all suuuuuch different people! I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, hu~huhu!

Now, if you wish to see me, please go ahead and meet me over in the Head District! ...Ah, HOWEVER! I am so tired for such a long day! Fear not, I shall meet you all in the morning! The Caravan will leave before the night's end, so please, study the rooms list* and the Caravan's layout!

I shall see you all sooon!!

... oh, OH! For those who are suspicious of me... I apologize, but there is nothing to be suspicious of! You may not trust me, but if you don't trust me, you don't trust this world, haha! Honestly, do you have anything to fear of? ...Besides giants, that is.

Say hi to Grandore! He was very eager to meet you all!

( ooc: pretend the room list and floorplans are on this post already! :) )

cmt: ty lee, !waywarrant

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