{TEXT} kind of obvious what affects him, huh?

Feb 16, 2011 16:40

Well, it's pretty clear this isn't home, but the caravan looks pretty comfy. This is either an elaborate drug trip or a genuinely metaphysical event, but still; all I got was this lousy doohickey: a JUNOGAM. Nice interface and all ♥, but my tech's way better ( Read more... )

cmt: cloud strife, dick grayson (robin), cmt: cassandra, cmt: anathema device

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[TEXT] cassie_of_troy February 18 2011, 03:09:50 UTC
What kind of a name is Robin? Isn't that a bird?


<voice> astered February 18 2011, 05:51:12 UTC
Hey, lady, Robin's a legitimate name!

[He doesn't even sound serious, just kind of playful.]

Doesn't Robin Hood ring a bell? I doubt he ever got as much flak over his name as I just did.


[TEXT] cassie_of_troy February 18 2011, 12:24:41 UTC


{voice} astered February 19 2011, 04:20:33 UTC
Oh. Right, different universes/universi. Forgot I established that~♥.

I mean, that!

[Whatever willpower he used to suppress these effects were slowly deteriorating! Noes!]

Alas~, I speak like this ♥ again~!
If only you ♥ understood this endless pain~♥!

[Yes; to rhyme with pain, again was pronounced "uh-gayn." And for that, Robin kind of slapped himself.]


[TEXT] cassie_of_troy February 19 2011, 04:22:25 UTC
You're a bit odd, aren't you?


I apologize. It seems I have no filter.


~voice~ astered February 19 2011, 04:38:07 UTC
Don't fret about it ♥, fair lady~.

Odd ♥ doesn't begin to describe me~!

[Pause too. Really did suck to be him.]

Are you ♥ implying~ some kind of state ♥,

♥ Has taken your "filter" as of late~?


[TEXT] cassie_of_troy February 19 2011, 04:40:34 UTC
Just another gift of the town. Every town we visit seems to have some new surprises. We visited one where we all reverted to childhood. In another, we were attacked by wild turkeys. It seems that this town has some impact on verbal communication.


<voice> astered February 19 2011, 04:44:19 UTC
Yes ♥, and textual as well~.

Eh, still better ♥ than ~Hell~.

You're ~saying~ there's a curse~ for every town ♥?

God, that can only make me~ frown~♥♥♥.


[TEXT] cassie_of_troy February 19 2011, 04:49:19 UTC
Welcome to Willaknapp. It's amusing at first, but it gets old.


My name is Cassandra. I come from earth.


(voice) astered February 19 2011, 05:21:18 UTC
[Robin was suddenly compelled to shake his head, comically vibrating his lips. The hell?]

It better be. If I'm going to be taken home, I might as well enjoy my accommodations.

Nice to meet you, Cassie, I'm from earth too!

But if you don't even recognize Robin Hood, are you just ignorant or... hmm, know what year you're from?


[TEXT] cassie_of_troy February 19 2011, 15:32:33 UTC
Yes, the year question. I get it frequently.

I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the way you people keep track of time, but I've been told by many others from earth that I am from three thousand years in the past.


Call me ignorant again and I'll gouge your eyes out.


Sorry. No filter.


&voice& astered February 19 2011, 19:29:11 UTC
[Whatever happened, his head-shaking must have been a physical reaction to the effects' wearing off.]

Well, I'm from a place called Gotham City, "three thousand years or so later." You?

[Alright, he was kind of not expecting that.]

Excuse me? Let me guess, no filter again!

[After pause]

Ah, no filter again.


[TEXT] cassie_of_troy February 20 2011, 16:45:37 UTC
I come from a city called Troy.


~voice~ astered February 21 2011, 02:36:10 UTC
Alright, that clinches it. You are that princess, the one who foresaw the Trojan War!


[TEXT] cassie_of_troy February 21 2011, 02:45:09 UTC
Not this again...


(voice) astered February 21 2011, 04:53:17 UTC
Yeah, kinda figured you've gotten this reception before.

But... c'mon, you're Cassandra, Cassie! Cassandra of Troy! I never thought I'd meet a mythical figure for real!

[Mythical figure... 'hope Robin realizes the potential anger he may unleash.]


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