
Feb 03, 2011 13:28

Anyone want to place any bets on where we'll wind up next? I'm willing to bet it won't be the beaches of Cancun.

I'm serious. What else could we possibly expect from this place after our last stop? At this point, it'd be more of a shock to wind up someplace enjoyable than another miserable hellhole.

cmt: heine rammsteiner, cmt: rookie, cmt: tyki mikk, cmt: arthur, cmt: anathema device, nick

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[voice] He thinks battlefields are peaceful, too. canisorption February 7 2011, 12:17:27 UTC
[You sound about as grumpy as he is. Actually, moreso. But in the end, you're just whining, and so you deserve a little truth to color in your day for you.]

It's been pretty peaceful so far.


[voice] im_driving February 7 2011, 14:43:55 UTC



[voice] canisorption February 9 2011, 03:20:44 UTC

[Almost as monosyllabic and cranky as you, except with added troll feature.]

Getting a bunch of guys together and throwing around some lead.
It's real peaceful somehow.


[voice] im_driving February 9 2011, 03:28:05 UTC
Yeah, sure Just going to exchange shots for fun. Bleeding from bullet holes is not my idea of a good time.


[voice] canisorption February 9 2011, 03:58:11 UTC

[Well. It helps if you regenerate from everything but head shots, but he won't say that. He'll jsut say in that sort of snarky monotone,]

It's the ambience.


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