I don't think this is a joke. Unless the Smurfs show up and start singing, and then maybe. Some kind of Alice-in-Wonderland-meets-Narnia alternate universe, I guess.
Hey, you one of the Avengers, too? I don't recognize any of those guys you mentioned.
I kinda figured out it wasn't a joke when I wasn't laughing. I'm going with the whole, currently a simulation thing and everyone's part of it.
The Avengers? [ this gets a snort from her ] Yeah, right. I wish. Only the super pros get called for that. Or the ones who don't have anywhere else to go.
What kind of mad genius thinks up a simulation like this? Well, other than the Mad Hatter, but since Tweedledee and Tweedledum haven't started harassing anyone yet, I think he's out of the equation.
[Whoops, awwwwkward.] Oh, well, uh, there are a bunch of other young superheroes here that are part of the team. We've been trying to figure out what to do.
No, we're not superheroes. Well, Elixir figures we are now that we got codenames, but whatever. . . Well, if any of them are here, they'll speak up. They better.
Comments 106
Definitely not a native.
Hey, you one of the Avengers, too? I don't recognize any of those guys you mentioned.
The Avengers? [ this gets a snort from her ] Yeah, right. I wish. Only the super pros get called for that. Or the ones who don't have anywhere else to go.
[Whoops, awwwwkward.] Oh, well, uh, there are a bunch of other young superheroes here that are part of the team. We've been trying to figure out what to do.
Young superheroes? What, are they Baby Avengers or something? [ look who doesn't know about the YA yet ]
Figured anything out?
Actually, it's some kind of alternate dimension. I don't think the Hulk has anything to do with it. At least, I hope he doesn't.
Gee, I feel like a real X-Man now.
If they give simulated-Hulk brains, I know my team is screwed. Wherever they are.
I seriously doubt it's the Hulk's fault anyways.
But, hey, that means you're from the dimension where he exists, right?
And... As far as anyone here can tell, this place is very, very, unfortunately real. I'm sorry.
How are they so sure?
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