Jan 10, 2011 14:13


Welcome to Fort Hood. I'd say enjoy your stay, but that'd be way too casual for the things that go on around here. I don't know what the Way Warrant or his assistant have told you (nothing, I'm guessing, they like to ignore the trouble as long as it doesn't involve the giant), but you guys aren't here as guests. If you want to stay here, you've gotta work. Any rumors you've heard about this place? Yeah, they're true - we've got a bad case of walking wolves and blood suckers in these parts, so if you know what's good for you- stay in town.

Like I said, though, you ain't taking my town's supplies and dicking around for free. Anyone who can walk, and anyone who can wheel themselves, head down to the Marshal office on Axewood Road. There, you'll be automatically paired off into groups and shown how your weapons work. Just don't be an idiot and go frolicking out into the woods for a little bit of fur - but if you're really so inclined, checked in with Grandma May to sign out. You ain't taking my gear out there unless you got special clearance in a scouting party, so you're on your own if you leave.

Any questions? Use common sense first, then come crying.

Daylight ends in two hours.

Signing out,

[ ooc: the caravan is now in town! feel free to explore, later today will be a collective log post for those who wanted to thread with an NPC. ]

cmt: heine rammsteiner, cmt: zhou yu, cmt: guinevere, cmt: tyki mikk, *intercom, !npc: red rover, cmt: kimihiro watanuki, cmt: rookie, cmt: bret mcclegnie, cmt: gabe weller

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