(no subject)

Nov 10, 2010 02:59

[There's some silence other than for background noises of the village for a moment after the recording starts. It takes a moment until a voice can be heard.]

... "Recording"?

[The recording stops for a moment, then starts again, clearer this time.]

It... My voice inside this... thing? How is this possible?

[Well, he clears is throat at least, a bit encouraged by the other voices he can hear (and the things he somehow can read) in this ... thing. Very official sounding now, and a bit more srsbsns than before.]

Whoever hears this - where is this place? I am Zhou Yu of Eastern Wu, and I hereby request an audience with your ruler. I furthermore wish to know the reason why - and how - I was brought here.

While the natives have been helpful, they couldn't provide me with any answers to this matter.

zhou yu, cmt: cassie lang, cmt: brittany pierce

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