Sep 30, 2009 23:56
This is a rant of epic rantage proportions that it has ramped itself up to a BITCH. RAWR.
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles...
I didn't even care much for it. The premise of traveling worlds in order to find feathers was blah (and, oh, we're having such a good time doing it! Oh, wait, no we're not... dark tuuu~uurn), Syaoran and Sakura felt off, the story wasn't extremely intriguing, and I only stuck with it for a few manga in hopes of seeing old characters from previous works. After a few volumes I drifted away...
Why didn't I stay that way?
CLAMP, why the headache? I can't understand a damn thing that's been going on the past 30-40 chapters. It was a constant repetition of angst, angst, sacrifice, angst, sacrifice, death, angst, rebirth, angstsacrificeangstsacrificesacrificeoooooooo!!
The characters had to "pay a price" so many freakin' times, I couldn't keep count what the hell they were paying for next. Well, this is for going to a new world, this is for returning to the new world, this is for screwing this girl in that new world, this is for running that cat over, this is for not saving this girl in the new world in time, this is for that time -- yeah, we really won't go there... blah, blah, blah.
Maybe it's the translators. Maybe they just can't translate to damn understandable English.
Or maybe it's the original wording. CLAMP likes to speak so abstract in the first place. Saying something by not really saying it and tiptapdancing around everything
Or maybe it's the fact that time and space have been so freaked up that logic has been thrown out the window in the story (and yet they still try to rationalize things).
Or maybe it's the fact that you had doubles of the same two characters standing side-by-side AND THE READER CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO.
Or maybe it's the fight scenes that might as well have been animated by a kindergartener (CLAMP, don't do shounen anymore, seriously... leave it to people who can actually draw fight scenes coherently).
Or maybe it's because CLAMP leaves crucial pieces of information hanging even though we've reached the end. Like, who the frig is FWR? What's his relation to Yuko? WTF actually happened to Sakura and Syaoran in the end? What else was sacrificed?
I need to step away from this and get back to it when I'm more level-headed. Maybe make a list of all the prices paid, for what reasons, and what were the outcomes. 'Cause, hotdamn, with the amount of sacrifices people made I'm surprised everyone still has their souls.
Why did I start reading it again?
The world may never know.
EDIT: Since this post was released, an epilogue came out that tied things together better. Thank goodness.
bitch rant