So I fell in love with the song by "Negative" from the Viva La Bands cd. So, I start looking them up.
Are there any Negative fans on my Friends List???? If so, I need help.
Is The Singer a Girl or a Boy????
If you listen to Negative's music, the singer sounds like a guy. But if you look at their pictures:
http://www.gbfam.com/negative/pics/kuvat/media_jonne_aaron_1.jpghttp://www.gbfam.com/negative/pics/kuvat/030105/030105_1.jpg The singer looks like a chick. A REALLY FUCKING HOT CHICK, may I add. But like...in this picture:
http://www.gbfam.com/negative/pics/kuvat/livemaukka/negative53.jpgThere is NO shirt involved.
Eh, whatever. I really don't care, I just wanted to know. But WHATEVER sex they are, I'd do them in a second. Cuz....(I'm going with he) he's really hot.