Fic: the Nutcracker's Kiss, Will/Sonny, PG

Dec 23, 2019 15:06

Title: the Nutcracker's Kiss

Author: WuvWinchesterHugs

Fandom: Days of Our Lives

Rating: PG13/Slash

Pairing: Will/Sonny

Spoilers: None

Summary: William Horton is the best designer in Chicago... but no one knows it yet. Hoping to kick-start his career, Will has left work with the local theatre to take a job as an assistant to Leo Stark, the most prestigious designer in the city. Mr. Stark works Will around the clock, which is how Will finds himself trapped in an elevator late one night with an incredibly handsome stranger. Will and the mystery man share an impulsive, romantic, life-changing kiss before the doors open and Will runs out, leaving him behind. The next day at work, Will answers the door to find the handsome gentleman standing in front of him, who turns out to be Jackson "Sonny" Kiriakis, a wealthy philanthropist - and Mr. Stark's long distance boyfriend.

Author’s Note: Complete AU; takes place during Christmas time. Largely inspired by the made for TV movie A Christmas Kiss.

Feedback: more than welcome

Disclaimer: Neither Will and Sonny, nor any of the characters from Days of Our Lives, belong to me.

Written: Started on December 22, 2019.

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