Re: The problem is the premise...will_sampleMarch 23 2010, 21:43:14 UTC
...I would have to utterly disagree on just about every count. Government should virtually never provide any basic of living; the more it stays out of the way of living, the better. It is a detestable, dangerous thing by it's very nature, and aught never be too trusted.
For most of human history, profit, charity, and family have provided more than adequately; indeed, the history of human progress is marked by little else; even now, profit and charity are responsible for a remarkably disproportionate amount of progress in medical science.
The reason health care is so very expensive is largely the *lack* of choice to end consumers, particularly the poor. The single best thing that could be done for them is to get government out of the health care business altogether. As for choice in education, sure. Every parent should get every dollar they spend on public education back, and should be utterly free to spend it however they like in the education of their children. When it has been done, it has done remarkable things to improve educational achievement. There are scarce few legitimate functions of government.
Governments, by the way, don't always tell people what is desirous or good. The People tell their government that which is desirous or good, and government obeys, within strict confines upon the legitimate functions of government. A desire does not equate to a right, no matter how many of the people clamor for it.
The Health Care Market should be nothing else-- pure, virtually unfettered, and open to all. I personally would be horrified by the NHS, and have found that 'public care' options in Western Europe barely meet the standards of veterinary care in the United States.
For most of human history, profit, charity, and family have provided more than adequately; indeed, the history of human progress is marked by little else; even now, profit and charity are responsible for a remarkably disproportionate amount of progress in medical science.
The reason health care is so very expensive is largely the *lack* of choice to end consumers, particularly the poor. The single best thing that could be done for them is to get government out of the health care business altogether. As for choice in education, sure. Every parent should get every dollar they spend on public education back, and should be utterly free to spend it however they like in the education of their children. When it has been done, it has done remarkable things to improve educational achievement. There are scarce few legitimate functions of government.
Governments, by the way, don't always tell people what is desirous or good. The People tell their government that which is desirous or good, and government obeys, within strict confines upon the legitimate functions of government. A desire does not equate to a right, no matter how many of the people clamor for it.
The Health Care Market should be nothing else-- pure, virtually unfettered, and open to all. I personally would be horrified by the NHS, and have found that 'public care' options in Western Europe barely meet the standards of veterinary care in the United States.
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