Ever watched a movie and realised the couple in it was boring? Ever thought that Mean Girls would be better with our three favourite Cheerios as the Queen Bees? Ever found yourself uncontrollably sobbing when you had the terrible idea of substituting Kurt and Blaine for Jennifer Cavalleri and Oliver Barrett IV in Love Story? This is your chance. If you think that Blaine would be the perfect Jake Ryan to Kurt's Samantha Baker, or that Puck is the John Bender to Quinn's Claire Standish, believe us, we do too. Whether you've always wanted to write an epic Star Wars/Glee AU with Finn as Chewbacca and Artie as R2D2, or whether you've been dying to work on a Jennifer's Body AU with Santana as the Megan-Fox-demon-girl, we're here for that.
Interested? Sign up at
gleeatthemovies! (We'll also be taking prompts! The sign-ups for prompts will open the same time we open the artist/writer sign-ups!)
[Mod, I read on the modpost that all promos were okay so long as they were related, so I assumed it was a go ahead-- hope I'm not stepping on toes. If I am, I can take this down.