The Hanayaka Legacy - Generation 1.0

Apr 11, 2009 20:30

Warnings: Lesbians, a bit of swearing, stretches of credibility in name themes, unfaithful spouses, and the color blue. ~ 80 PNGs.

Somewhere on the outskirts of Weivtnasaelp lies a stretch of land, once owned by a nameless railroad tycoon, now unowned and uninhabited for upwards of fifty years. Until now. They say it's a place where dreams come true, if you work hard enough. It's a place where love could be found and fortunes made, if you're just lucky enough.

That, or it's a place where a new legacy is about start. :P For those of you who know what's been going on...yeah. Now that I know Dad's going to be all right, there's not a whole lot we can do besides wait, so I wanted to do something that felt a little...normal for a while. So I started an Awesimsauce/Awesomesauce challenge; I've seen it spelled both ways, and while I think the latter is supposed to be the correct name, I prefer "Awesimsauce" because it's all punny.

The only rule I intend to bend is the only two children. I find small families deadly dull, and I expect the laws of probability and Trips&Quads to bite me in the ass eventually besides. So I've raised the cap to four kids for myself, not that every generation will have four brats, but I want to leave the possibility open for myself. That said, I intend to follow the rules as closely as possible.

Anyway, here we have our founder and her little pagoda, plonked down in gender-bent Pleasantview with just the barest of the bare essentials. You'll notice the tent vanishes later; I sold it for a double bed because ACR apparently doesn't work for woohooing in tents! D: And that's just unacceptable.

Meet our founder, Skie Hanayaka. According to my Japanese to English dictionary, Hanayaka means colorful (at least when colorful means vibrant, flamboyant, etc. more personality traits, but the type of personality traits I would expect a rainbow to have. :P). And Skie, as in Sky, but with an -ie, because the -ie makes it ~trendy~. And who's that down front?

Her faithful companion, Lobster! Because Lobsters are blue...ish before you boil them. I don't have any blue cat fur, so you'll have to settle for blue eyes and a blue collar.

Skie's stats, you can has them. Is gift.
Aspiration: Romance/Fortune
OTH: Sports
Her LTW is to Woohoo 20 different sims.

Shots for the stars she does, my Skie.

Lookit his little feets! :3 Lobster is the cutest kitty ever, just so you know. He is also a bit of a tub; I love how their little legs can get all fat, but their feet stay so tiny. <3

Typical legacy founder gets typical founder job on the military career track because it's the highest paying. She actually wanted a job in the Intelligence field but it wasn't available. :(

Anyway, Skie gets the typical Pleasantview Welcome Wagon (typical for what I've gotten ever time I load a new household in PV, anyway): Darren Dreamer, a Caliente sister brother (Nina this time), and Brandi Broke. I didn't know the gender-bent Pleasantviewians had the same names as the originals, though! That made me laugh. :P I thought about changing them, but no.

Darren Dreamer front and center there makes a nice looking lady. :o

You, ah, might want to check that again, Nina. :|
Darren keeps up with another PV-WW tradition back there: beelining for the pot immediately after being greeted. Guess even his female counterpart is trying to save money on water bills!

"My youngest, Beau, she just loves those little toy cars. Her sister's boyfriend got her one for Christmas last year. It's not fancy, but it made Beau so happy. You should hear her when she plays with it. 'Meep meep!' " Brandi laughed softly and mimed beeping a car horn.
Skie nodded absentmindedly, laughing in the right places, offering hums of agreement. She wasn't really listening. Such an odd place this was, with everyone's names all wrong and their lives so simple and strange. Skie wondered if she'd made the right choice moving here; she certainly didn't fit in.
Mostly, she wondered at how close Brandi's hand was to her chest and if he wouldn't mind if she leaned forward just a bit.

:D;; This isn't a story, not properly anyway. I just wanted to try something different, I guess. I'm not very funny, so hopefully this'll break things up and make things a bit more interesting for everyone.
Brandi really is super-cute; I'd hit it. Skie wouldn't, though. :( They have negative chemistry.

And then she goes off to ignore her visitors completely in favor of bologna sammiches. Nice job there, Skie.
Lobster: I'm watching you Mommy I see that you have food can I have some food? I like food.

I forced her back out eventually. She hit it off pretty well with Nina, which I guess is to be expected. Notice both wants for generic flirts being fulfilled. Oh Romance sims, u. :P

Skie grinned and swept an approving gaze over her red haired visitor; odd though this neighborhood was, she was glad to see it had it's...up points.
"You know," Skie said, still grinning. "My old boyfriend was a cop, still have a pair of his cuffs. You would not believe the things we did with them or, well, maybe you would."

"That's disgusting."
Skie just laughed. Nina could scoff all he wanted, she'd caught the little flush, the slight dilation of his pupils. She could be wrong, be she never was about these things.

"Come ooonn." Skie took Nina's hand and pressed a small kiss to his palm. His wrist. "That's not fair," she said, punctuating each word with a kiss up Nina's arm. "Haven't you ever had a woman completely at your will? Trust you completely?" She brushed her lips against his neck and whispered at his ear, "I could show you."

And show him she did! I bet Nina's wondering how to apply this to Don. I haven't played girl!Don yet, but if she's anywhere near as out of control as her male counterpart, she'll need someone to take her in hand! ;P

omgrofl, Skie rolled this want after they woohooed. xD

*obligatory downtown outing* The most interesting part about it was girl!Goopy in the cowboy shirt there.

Well, and this guy. Charlie, I think his name was. Skie needs sims for her lifetime want, they had chemistry, so...

Charlie: I'm gonna get ~laid~. >:)
Yes, Charlie. Yes, unfortunately you are. :( But not right now. Every time I told them to get in the hot tub Charlie would change his mind two seconds later and get back out, so I gave up eventually. They get around to it later, back at the ranch.

Skie wasn't too torn up about it, though. She found some comfort with this old guy, much to the distress of girl!Brandon.
Can you tell I'm enjoying myself with the gender-bent hood? Because I am. :D

She didn't have as much luck with Mary-Sue Pleasant though. :(

Unlike his wife, Mary-Sue actually has some scruples, unfortunately. Your loss, Mary-Sue.

Nina decided to stick around and creepily watch Skie sleep for a bit after she got home. D: That's a little sketchy, Nina.

~he sees you when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake~
Oh, wait. Wrong old guy. Whachu doing, dude?

Whoa, really?! But it wasn't even a dream date! :O Thanks a lot, old dude! I guess he must have been going through a dry spell??

Realistically, I know I should sell this but...come on! Fish tank! Say hello to the fishies!

"Mreow?" Lobster purred and rubbed against Mommy's legs. Something was different, wrong. There were foods in a big clear bed, except they weren't foods. Mommy didn't feed them to him, and Lobster was confused.
"Stop that." Mommy nudged Lobster with the toe of her boot; he dashed back and growled. It didn't make sense. What was Mommy doing?
"Mreow? Mreow!"

Lobster took his revenge for the fish by shredding the furniture while Skie was at work and I couldn't do jack about it. D:

Moving on! So it's day three, and by this point my founder is damn near a spinster so it's time to resort to ~drastic~measures~.
This better be worth it, you old bag, we don't have the money to waste. >:(

Skie: I just hope he's hot and blond. 8D
So cute, so young, so naive. She looks so excited, though. <3

Ah, erm. Well. He is blond? D: Definitely not good enough for marriage at this point.

But he is good enough for this! :'D

And then, then, just when I'm about to give up hope we meet Cheryl. Cheryl is adorable.
Up to this point Skie had been checking out men and women, she just hadn't found any girls she'd hit it off with. Cheryl is different. :D

ajfkdal look at her. <3 <3 <3

She's even kind of bitch, like Skie. Really you two, gossiping about a thirteen year old?

Skie pressed her lips to Cheryl's, slowly at first then faster, more eagerly, until lips and tongue and spit slid over whatever bits of bare skin they would find. Rain dripped down the back of her neck and trailed down her spine like the fingernail of a lover, and Skie shivered and pulled Cheryl closer. Their hair was wet and matted; their clothes were soaked and heavy. They didn't care, not about anything but the warm and shivering body in their arms.
This. This was why Skie did what she did. Other sims, the ones that didn't understand, scoffed behind her back. They called her loose, unfaithful. You can't trust a romance sim. Skie didn't care. Why should she? She curled a hand around the back of Cheryl's head and pulled her back into another kiss. Why should she deny herself something like this?

(Skie likes Cheryl too, btw. :P That, and I just thought it was pretty picture; I wanted to write something to go with it. :| )

It was all well and good until the issue of money came up. Namely, the fact that Cheryl has none.

Skie: Haha, yes, you know I just remembered I have things to do. At home. Alone. 8D
Haha, yeah, I don't think so, sweetheart. You can live on the lawn a little longer, you're not losing this one! D:

D'aww, it looks like they're holding hands. :3

There's a little smooching, a little ass grabbing...

But Cheryl still isn't down with this legacy nonsense. Maybe she's heard the rumors?

But we all know sims are easy, so wash-rinse-repeat, this time throwing in a little dancing aaannnndd,

Wella! We have a new roommate! :D
Skie: Heehee, her boobies are touching mine. :D
That's...nice love.

And here's Cheryl all blued out. I wanted to keep her overall style; I liked it.

Her stats. :)
Aspiration: Knowledge/Romance
LTW: Become Media Magnet
I don't know what her OTH is. She hasn't figured that out yet. :|

WHOA, DUDE, REALLY?? :DDD And here I was just about to complain that they only had, like, 43 simoleons left. Thanks a lot, guy!
You know what? I will never complain about ugly townies again; they might be painful to look at, but damn if they don't know how to hook a sister up!

Classy underwear engagement. :D I wanted to get it out of the way before either of them could throw the fear. No classy underoo wedding, though; the rules say that heirs have to have a wedding party (and I'm assuming that includes the founder).

Cheryl: *falls in love -.-*
Skie: *has good memory?!?!*

"They're never going to believe you."
"I know, you've already told me, what is it now? Five times?" Skie shot Cheryl and withering look before punching in her work number. "Now shut up. They're definitely never gonna buy this if they hear you whining in the background there."

S'yeah, Skie had to call in sick to work so I could get this wedding out of the way. Again, I didn't want to take the chance of anyone throwing a fear while I waited for their work schedules to match up. Cheryl wasn't too impressed by Skie's obviously fake hacking, but the boss bought it and that's all the matters. :3

For some reason I can only ever invite two people to parties. I don't know why, and I know I used to be able to invite more, but whatever. Skie and Cheryl had a little wedding in the side yard, with two of Skie's old ~flames~ as witnesses. Totally not awkward at all.
Cheryl's a lady of pure class, as you can see.

At least she's purty. <3

Vows were exchanged...

Eyebrows were waggled...

Smoochies were had, and that's all she wrote. Considering that this was a wedding between two romance sims, one of which still isn't even in love, I'm quite proud of them for getting through it without any breakdowns or last-minute bolting!

Greensuit: Dude, what the fuck sit down. >:(

*obligatory cake smash picture*

And then they went and ate their cake as far away from each other as they could manage. Because that's what newlyweds do.

Keeping in mind that Skie STILL isn't in love with Cheryl. D:

When Cheryl entered the house, she didn't say a word. She made her way to the counter and set down her plate before turning to face her wife. She watched her press a kiss to the man's ear while he slid one hand down her back and over her ass. Cheryl watched, and then she screamed until her throat went raw.

(tl;dr: GOD DAMMIT ACR! D8)

Cheryl: *beats on Skie*
Skie: *likes it* 8D

Also, you see those feet back there? That would be the guy Skie was screwing around with eating chips he raided from the fridge.

"Cheryl! Wait!" Skie paused only long enough to retrieve the single rose she'd intended for that evening before running after her wife, cursing and tripping over her dress. "Please, wait!"
"Get out of my sight, Skie. I don't want to--" A silky rose bud tickled the tip of Cheryl's nose.
"Cheryl, please listen. He's just an old boyfriend who doesn't understand things are over. He just grabbed me, I couldn't stop him." Skie's eyes widened; her lower lip trembled, just slightly. "Please, Cheryl. I love you. I married you. Please forgive me."

She forgave her. :) I love Smooth Talk.

Notice the party score. Thankfully, Skie managed to salvage things so we weren't stuck with a divorce the same day as the wedding. And all would have been well, except...

Thankfully, Cheryl there was in denial, and didn't flip out, but still! Skie, have some fucking sense! D8

Actually, I had Cheryl send the rest of the guests home. I'd rather have a shitty party than a trashed marriage at this point. D:

At least babby were formed! :D

Haha, I kind of want this guy in my legacy just because his profile makes me giggle.
This is kind of awkward, though. He's actually Cheryl's date (she wants to have two simultaneous lovers). He let himself into the house, and now he's talking to her pregnant wife. About ghosts. I love when they do the scared animation. <3

Do you see that through the window? That would be Cheryl, way over at the end of the lot, conveniently digging for treasure. >.>

I don't know how she caught them from ALL THE WAY OVER THERE, but she did. I heard the sproing of love being lost during the cut scene. :(

I see this becoming a pattern. :( It kind of makes me feel gross inside; this relationship is starting to border on abusive.


Oh, wow. Um, I know it's probably sacrilege to say so, but umm...girl!Goopy is kind of pretty. :O
(Skie wanted a makeover station, so I had her makeover Goopy who was there for a date, and WOW.)

D8 She doesn't appreciate people pissing themselves on her dates, though! Come on, she's pregnant! Cut a woman some slack! D:

Goopy really doesn't appreciate her dates pissing themselves. xD MY FIRST FLAMING BAG OF POO, GUYS! :D


Immediately after giving birth, Skie dropped the poor kid and went to bed, so the care was left to Cheryl.
Anway, it's a girl, Iris. She has Skie's eyes, Cheryl's hair, and a skintone somewhere between them both. She's a little qt right?

Cheryl. D:

Both Cheryl and Skie are afraid of diaper changing something fierce. :( This could get to be a problem. Also, also, you see the nursery! :D It's purple, guise. Except for the crib and changing table because I don't have any custom furniture or recolors (I've had bad experiences with them breaking my game :| ), so I had to settle for Maxis pink.

Iris cried. Though she still didn't understand much, she understood this: the floor was cold, she was cold, she was hungry. She cried and cried until her little lungs all but burst, but Mommy never came.

D8 D8 D8 I have never had an infant fall asleep on the floor before. I am ashamed of my sims, especially Skie, putting fabulous Romance sim parenting to shame. IT'S NOT GEN. BLACK YET, GUYS!

Next time: I don't know. I haven't played it, and I don't know when I'll have time to.

Like I said, I just needed...something to do. Anyway, hope it was at least a little enjoyable to read.

Thank you for reading! :)

hanayaka legacy, awesimsauce challenge, legacy challenge, sims 2

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