May 25, 2005 13:45
Film + TV exam is done! That's them all finished, oh man im so happy that they're all out the way! The exam actually went ok, it was hard but I got managed to get through it, plus in what other exams do u get 2 mention "Gladiators" and "Beverley Hills 90210" lol! So yeah, glad thats dun. I was totally prayin about them 4 ages, really helped me thru it cos I had bn kinda worried about them, think its jst cos theyre so different 2 skl exams. Ah I jst cant believe thats no more work til September now!
2moro me, Marty+Carlin r goin 2 the set of "People's Court" 2 c it filmed woo hoo! lol,its actually gonna b so funny, one of the cases on it the other day was "Fed Of My Mum's Ferrets", I'm actually not gonna b able 2 stop laughin. But we got the tickets thru our course so we hav 2 treat it like an 'educational' trip lol!