Nicked from mia and cuz i'm bored

Jun 15, 2007 16:40

Bedroom survey

Do you have the following in your bedroom:

Condoms→ Yes
birth control →yes
Cell phone→ 'mobile phone' yes
Chair/stool-- yes
Dresser→ well chest of draws with stuff on that i use as a dressing thing
Computer→ yes, laptop
Pictures→ No, i had loads but the whole moving out thing means they've come down
Mirror→ yes
Skateboard→ No
Bed→  yes
clothes on the floor→unusually yes, a t-shirt and jumper, normally i never do
Smoke detector→ no, its on the landing, and another one downstairs
Piano/keyboard/Guitar/bass→ no
Locking door→ yeah, my bedroom door locks
bottle of water→ normally squash, but its kinda water
Blacklight→ whats that?!
Medals/ribbons/trophies→ no, again i used to have a couple of trampolining ones but they are boxed up now
CDs→ yeah, most are at home now, but i still got some
Flag→ no
Stop sign/any sign→ no
real gun→ definatly not
cigarettes→no, smoking is bad and kills and makes you smell and costs too much
Any drug→yeah, prescribed, painkillers, caffine tablets, health suplements
Alcohol→ no, that lives in the kitchen or in me
Books→only text books and a few others, most have gone home again
PS2→ no
Xbox → no
Gamecube→ no
Stereo→ yeah, but its broken and i hate it
Lighter→ no
How many windows do you have in your room? er, its 1 window divided into 4 with 2 bits that open

What is the color of your room? magnolia

What color is your bed sheet? the sheet is a wine red, the covers purple

What's on your walls? not much as its all been taken down, a couple of revision things and my calender

Has the opposite sex been in your room before? yes

Has the opposite sex been on your bed? yes

Has the opposite sex slept in your bed? yes

Do you like your bedroom? i did, but its so bare now i don't like it so much, it was great when my walls were covered and it was very *me*

Repost as "The Bedroom Survey"

In other news.....5 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes till results
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