Life can be scary

Sep 23, 2004 22:25

1. I have made it to a 5T now, that's 3 sizes in less than six months since my surgery
2. I have grown from a size 8 shoe to a size 11, in two months.
3. I can now go in the big boy potty chair, allthough I am still using pull ups.
4. I love my room. Mom finally moved her computer out of there, so it's 100 percent mine. She went back to teaching school this week so I am going to Naongi's house. I miss her a great deal.

Sometimes life is just so scary a 3 year old like me doesn't understand what's going on. Like for instance, my sister Molly's broken mind. She's havign serious problems, and Maddy and her mommy aren't helping. My mommy's upset about it, but she is choosing to stay out of the situation. She says it keeps us out of the problems, and keeps it relatively peaceful around here. I just worry about my sister. I don't like the bruises I see, and I want to be a doctor to fix her. Doctor's fix everything and make you all better in the hospital.

Daddy's acting strange as well because of Molly/Maddy 'issues'. Mom's been burning incense again, and playing that fun music I love to dance too. She says I dance like a little sayter...what ever that is. She does mention she's happy about Mayme getting a more permanent job. She also says she hopes Kate "rots" for all the irreprable damage that she's caused. What does irreprable mean? I think it means it can't be fixed. It's just like my mom to tell me all these big words and not explain them.

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