B -24- The End of Neverland...

Oct 05, 2006 11:37

That end has come in many respects. "Peter Pan"'s season has ended and on quite a high. It has been giving the title of being the most successful Hobart Rep show since records have been kept; consequently beating the previous show "Pride and Prejudice". So now I have a bit more spare time....

It was a hugely hectic two weeks. Because of the success of the show, and Stuart's absence at work, I was getting an increased number of shifts. so during the day I would either be working or going to uni, then I would have the show and night, and then after getting home I'd have to stay up late and spend every spare second on the two 3000 words essays that were due in that time. That said, I will really miss the show. I mean, after it first finished it was a shock/relief to the system, but even now I still miss it. I've discovered that during that time, as stressed as I was, I thrived on it. I was busy ALL the time. I didn't have the time to be beligerant and sit around doing nothing, and oddly I kinda liked it. Plus I earnt alot of money... although now that I have all this free time from the show finishing and alot less work, it's all gone on pointless crap... how many coffees does a person need in one day?

I really want to get back to saving. I enjoy life so much more when I know I have a safety net. Money is too stressful for me, and now I'm practically broke again. I think of it as part of my aim to get my life on direction.... not on track; I'm far to young for that. But at the moment I'm really thinking alot about the options I have career wise and so on. Next year is my last year. When I graduate, I already want to have saved between 1-2 thousand... but i doubt I can. Then I have to decide if i want to do honours... I am considering this option quite heavily now. the idea of staying for another year is crap, but it looks good on the CV. And by woring part time I can save more money. The odd thing is I'm not actually saving for anything, I just like having it put somewhere safe. And knowing that soon I'll be charged bankfees is scary. Although I do want tp travel later as well. but then I see this advertisments for internships in media in the mainland...
...but it's all a bit scary; I was born and raised in hobart. don't get me wrong, I dont feel loyal to it in anyway, but i take awhile to adjust to new things. At the same time, I dont want to get to reliant on the way things are. Change is inevitable... erg

Anyway, so this is the first entry I've made in awhile, which I think proves my theory that when you're happy you don't need these things. overall, life is more than grande. Money is a bitch, but I have fabulous friends, and Ben and I are going better than we ever have before. I'm Happy, and even the prospect of the oncoming exams can only dampen that slightly...

Cheers, Roh
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