vatheon app. WIP.

Sep 05, 2011 13:00

[ Player Name ] : Feei.
[ Personal LJ ] : dem_eyebrows
[ Age ] : 18.
[ Timezone ] : Mountain Standard Time.
[ Other Characters ] : Hilbert ( andyellow ) | Pokemon Black & White
Celty ( prefers_head ) | Durarara!!

[ Character's Name ] : Gota Mikumo.
[ Character's Age ] : 19.
[ Series ] : Clone Baby.
[ Canon Point ] : Episode 5; some before Gota receives the call that there is another "Asterisk" that will be taking over his job, AKA RIGHT BEFORE GOING INSANE.

[ History ] : Gota's life did not start at birth, but at creation. He is one of the eleven babies given a life as a clone, simply and directly for one man's goal-- To save his own daughter. Her suffering with Multiple Cellular Failure left the father mad and greatly determined to save her life, even if it meant to manipulate lives. His ultimate plan was to wait and watch as each clone grew, died, and their organs could be put to better use; for his daughter's precious life.

But how would they die?

Well, the strange thing about these clones is that they are genetically driven to kill one another. As they are all created with the same genes, they naturally have the urge to kill one another. It's a game of musical chairs-- The game starts and it doesn't end until one clone is left standing. It's inevitable. As they each interact with one another, even friendly and carefree, one touch can awaken these instincts.
Gota was one of the two who knew about this... except about the "yeah, you're all going to die either way" part. He was given the title "Asterisk" along with his fellow clone and best friend, Hiro Kikuchi. They were praised and promised wonderful lives, even if they were just clones. They would live like any other--All would be well.
That didn't happen at all.

As clones and without family, Gota almost immediately felt the effect of an unnatural life. He and Hiro only had each other, acting as the “hero” and brother to his friend in times of desperation. It was an innocent role he was willing to take, but Gota was never satisfied. Developing an obsession for a proper family and friends, he naively began to follow the orders under the scientist. Driven by these broken promises, Gota gave in to his instincts and eliminated a clone whenever their organs were needed. Well, attempted to, anyways. His time in his world ended when Hiro helped him escape from the police, something he always found a bit odd. After all, he did promise to eventually kill him.

[ Personality ] : Gota is completely desperate. He doesn’t seem to focus on another other than his duty as an Asterisk, which completely corrupted his mind to the point that murder is an everyday task. Sometime before all hell broke loose, Gota was considered overall caring and strong-Willing to defend Hiro whenever he was in need. Although there is not as much to follow in the few episodes he appears in, it is assumed he does think fondly of his friend. Behind all those thoughts lies the young boy who declared himself a hero, but his warped views of reality have changed that. He will never be at peace until he is surrounded in the family and friends he thinks he deserves.
Even if it means hurting Hiro.

Due to his attention to his “work” under the scientist, it is assumed Gota had little time to enjoy the little things. Distancing himself from Hiro, he also distanced himself from everyday life. It’s a bit ironic. He isn’t very familiar with carefree activities, as his mind is always focused on his next assignment. That would consider him a very serious character that isn’t up for games and play.
-That doesn’t mean Gota can’t look away from this routine. He can naturally be a very lonely person who might warm up to anything… or anybody. A human is a human, even if they are labeled a clone. Everyday activities just might open a brighter side to him, a step towards the life he really wants.

But it is that flaw of emotion that leaves him so distrustful. At times he may even react badly when introduced to something so perfect, so pure. Believing the words of the scientist in an ultimate promise, Gota will eventually return to the lonely state from before.
Ultimately, he should be avoided. His feelings are fragile enough to betray another.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] : +Physically strong; he will seriously take you down with that knife.
+Loyal… that could be a weakness too. More for the scientist than anyone else, but this feeling still hovers around Hiro.
+Innocent. He’s a good guy at heart, not so much at the surface right now.
-Easily manipulated when you convince him with the right words.
-Touchy when it comes to the “clone” talk.
-Acts like murder is a high-five. Except you’re bleeding and dead.
-He needs a better sense of fashion (Yeah, this one isn’t so serious).

[ Other Important Facts ] : ~*~HIRO AND GOTA ARE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER~*~

vatheon, ooc

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