Nicked from Val

Apr 11, 2009 16:55

Have you ever met a gay person?

I think the last bloke who tried to kiss me might have been. Just a hunch.

What’s something you’re excited about right now?

Knife fighting. Knife throwing. Thwarting the undead Messiah.

Last person to call you baby/babe?

Angelus I'm an evil vampire.

Do you look like your sibling(s)?

No. Sometimes Darla passes me off as her younger brother.

Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?

Angelus has to go away on business every couple a' months. When I'm a bit older I'll go with him.

Are you talkative?


Do you get high a lot?

Trees and rooftops are pretty useful vantage spots for stalking/hunting.

Do you wish that you were somewhere else right now?


Do you like cuddling?

Who made up these questions?

Do you sleep with one leg out from under the covers?

No, I like to be bundled up in them.

If you could travel to any place in the world where would you like to go?

America, Africa, India, South America

Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?

Yes and burying people in the sand is always good for a laugh as well.

Do you dislike anyone right now?

Desmond Morellius.

Do you enjoy late night phone conversations?

Not applicable.

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?

Erm... Darla I suppose, if you considered her the 'Mum'... not entirely sure how she'd respond to that. Although it is true she demands gifts on Mothering Sunday...

Are you happy right now?


What is something you currently want right now?

Blood, choccy, a sackful of loot, to get to go adventuring with Victor and Alice, a harpoon gun, to get to take Dru to the Zoo

Will your next kiss be a mistake?

What sort of question is this? No, obviously. How is that even possible- trip into somebody, lips extended?

What drink did you last consume?

Pint of ale

Do you like anyone?


Have you ever dated a soccer player?

Random inane questions for 200 pounds...

Do you have plans for tomorrow?


Are you someone who worries too often?

I make it a point not to think about consequences

Do you get cranky when you're hungry?


What was the last thing to annoy you?

This 'meme'

Have you ever given up on someone but then went back to them?


Is your room ever clean?

You can see the floor sometimes

will, meme

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