Oct 16, 2004 09:27
Alright... I haven’t updated my journal in a couple of days, let me catch you up on things that have gone on. On Tuesday night Brittany and I went to a Christian Non-denominational church event, like always it was awesome, but this past Tuesday I got a lot out of it. The speaker’s name is “Louie”, and his talk just hit me, and I could really relate. The topic was “love interrupted” and he talked about how in many young adults’ lives when “relationships” don’t work out and we automatically think it’s the end of the world. So in result we stay clear of God and end up going in the wrong direction until someone or somebody finally gets through our stubborn minds. I think the reason the talk was successful was this is a topic that many college students can relate to. I thought it was the best talk I’ve ever heard.
On Wednesday my compadre’s vacation came to an end. He left for Korea, and he’ll be gone for another year or two. In other unrelated topics…On Wednesday night I worked at St. Ives, and for the first time they gave me a server section (without anyone watching over me). I’m not a “regular” server…. But eventually I would like to be, so Wednesday nights are a great practice night. It was good times, and I made some tip money, so needless to say the night was successful.
On a sadder note, one of Abby’s friend’s sisters died in a car accident. It’s unfortunate how we never appreciate what we have until we’ve lost it. That statement goes for everything in life.
Tonight is my friends October Fest party. Now this isn’t your regular friend, and this isn’t your regular party. My friend is actually a “full pledge adult”, his teen days are long gone. He has a 9-7 job M-F, a receding hairline and is required to listen to the Wall Street Journal. Now don’t let all this fool you, he’s a good guy and a very responsible person .His policy is that 364 days a year he’s an adult and 1 day out of the year (tonight) he’s like me. The party isn’t like your typical teen party (trust me, I can make the comparison, I’ve participated in many) were there’s drama, and some kid that cant hold his alcohol ends up puking in the house…. It’s noting like this. This is a bunch of young adults that left their work stress at home and came to get “shity”. Of course on Monday everything will be back to normal, but tonight THEY DRINK. It’s was fun last year, I definitely have to say they know how to throw a party, and I’m looking forward to it. It’s always good to see people you don’t know get…. plastered and tell you their life story… Good Times.
Quote Of The Day: "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."