I'm not sure what to do with my capstone right now. I've turned in twenty pages so far, and just received my professor's comments on my first ten pages. I had been writing in a very loose script format, believing that getting the ideas out first would let me work faster and focus more on the story than making sure everything looks okay, and that I would properly format it for the second draft. He wants me to go ahead and change it now, though, which will definitely mess up my page count. And I wasn't completely satisfied with the opening scenes of the script when I turned it in, and my professor's notes say he doesn't think it works either. I've come up with a better opening now, and am halfway through re-structuring the rest of the episode. I have to finish the fifty pages required for draft one before I can start draft two, that's how the assignment schedule works. But why spend time writing pages that I know I'll have to throw away because they don't fit the changed story? I'd like to just start fresh now and not have to wait until the official beginning of the second draft process, but I'm not sure if my professor will let me deviate from the schedule of how many pages of which draft are due when. I guess I'll just have to ask him tomorrow morning.
Anyway, here's my new outline for the episode, at least the first part of it. I'm not feeling well and need to get some sleep, I'll have to finish it tomorrow.
We start on a TV newscast, the Channel 6 news at 6:00, Arch City's #1 program for up-to-the-minute information on the town's biggest superheroes and the villains that fight them.
The big story tonight is the upcoming fight between Parvola and her evil clone, to be supplied by Alex and Audra.
Parvola trash-talks the Morgans and the potential clone in a live interview.
The newscasters recieve a breaking update - the Morgans have cancelled the fight, no further details at this time.
Parvola flips out on-camera.
In the Morgans' lair, where Ladykiller is finishing her phone call. "No, I can't give you any more information. Just leave us alone for a while, okay?"
Audra is yelling at Michael. "You're the scientist, you call that an evil clone?" Reveal of the baby.
Back in the lair. Audra yells at Michael some more, fires him. Tells Lady to leave, she needs to talk to Alex.
Lady goes into the kitchen, calls Eric. We see him moping on his couch, watching the same news program, now showing a piece about Magna-Man, his nemesis. She explains the situation, he says he'll be right over.
He stops, keeps watching the TV. Parvola is back on, claiming that she's going to go to the Morgans' lair anyway, fight them herself if she has to, she won't be stood up.
Eric calls Lady back, tells her the news.
Alex and Audra argue what to do with the baby, decide to keep it. "No one is going to take her away from us," Alex promises Audra.
Eric and Lady burst in. Parvola will be at the lair any minute now.