So I had a pretty fantastic week, at least as far as APO was concerned. I won Brother of the Month (which comes with a gift card, whenever Staci gets around to buying them) and Tuesday was the five year anniversary of the chapter being chartered, so we ended the meeting early and had a party with a room full of cookie cake and balloons and "My Girl Likes To Party All The Time". Then we played games that the pledges made for us, including this fantastic game where Kristy made a bunch of squares on a tarp with duct tape, and we had to find the secret path across to the other side without speaking. We all took turns stepping from one square to the next, and she would shake her head yes or no, and if we got it wrong we had to start over. And we couldn't speak while we were doing it, so everyone's making "AAAAHH AAHHHH AAHHHH" noises at each other to designate if they're going the right way or not. It was so much fun.
Saturday we drove out to SIUE to help with their service day. We went to a local park to make snacks and set up booths for a Family Fun Day. I was signed up to work the "Wild West Shootout" booth, but then they brought out a huge bag of Disney character costumes and I changed my job to walking around in a foam Minnie Mouse head. It was a little hot and I could barely see, but it was worth it to see how excited the little kids were. One girl wouldn't let go of my hand. Here's a picture of me in the head. I had a dress too, but this photo also has the cool "service ranger" shirts SIUE gave us:
Sunday's meeting was a little stressful because Staci discovered that we're behind on a whole bunch of paperwork, but I know we can get it all sorted out. She, Bryanna, DanBen, and I had a secret cabal to pick out the executive board for next semester, so we'll see if the actual elections work out that way. I'm running for VP of Fellowship, and I think I could get elected and plan some fantastic activities.
As for homework news, the first draft of my first original play for Creative Writing class is due on Wednesday, so I need to work on that. I picked topics for my two World Lit papers: the required one is comparing Madame Bovary to a Woody Allen parody story about it called The Kugelmass Episode. I'm waiting for that book to come in, along with a book of William Blake poetry for my honors paper comparing Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. I have most of my Hemingway books, though. That paper is due in less than four weeks, and the two World Lit papers are probably due before that. Same with my projects for Media and Tech Writing, and the two (four when you count the second drafts) plays for Creative Writing. It's a lot to do in four weeks, lots of reading. I'm enjoying all my classes, but I'll be happy when this semester is over.
I bought myself a new pair of white sunglasses and that Monarch logo t-shirt from Hot Topic. I'm wearing it right now. It makes me happy.