We got two snow days this week! I haven't had that happen since the ice storm in 2006 when power was out throughout the whole district. I spent most of my time off sleeping, catching up on reading, watching Mystery Science Theater 3000, and working on my new
cartoon tumblog. I watched The Last Unicorn for the first time, since my roommate had the DVD. Gorgeous art, great characters, why wasn't I even aware of that movie as a child? I would've been in love. We also watched Sleeping Beauty, the first time in years for me. So it was a pretty cartoony mid-week weekend.
I went to a movie night at Mary Beth's house over the weekend and we watched Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim there. And ate this amazing mac and cheese. Then Calvin and Canaan cooked bacon shirtless.
School's been alright. Nothing too hard yet, besides a lot of reading. We're still doing Poe in my American Lit class, but I think we're moving on to Henry James next week. The Emily Dickinson continues. I had to set up a
wordpress blog for my Media class. The first project for Technical and Professional Writing is to interview someone in our desired field of work. I'm nervous about this because I want to be a television writer and TV writers, to me, seem all ~famous~ and ~busy~ and a;dklsfjadsk I should not be bothering these people with my little homework assignments. I told my roommate about it and she asks "Well, what's your favorite show that's on right now?" and I say "Um, the Venture Bros", and she's like "Those guys on the commentary? Pfft, they're no big deal. Just send them an e-mail. DO IT, DO IT, I DARE YOU." She's going to be checking up on me over the weekend. So I guess this is what I'm doing now. We also considered Chris Carter, the guy that created The X-Files, because I don't think he's doing anything right now and we share a birthday.
Mom took me shopping for new boots on Sunday. I ended up with a very plain black utilitarian pair, but they do get the job done. I also bought red velvet flats to match a dress, and pristine white Converse with neon pink rubber and laces. I don't know when I'm going to wear those, but they were $8 and I'm just happy to own them. After that I got cheap but adorable earrings in a shady mall store that sells knock-off handbags, and new nail polish from Walgreens. Scandal pink by Sinful Colors. I'm in love with it.