Apr 02, 2010 22:33
2. How many characters do you have? Do you prefer males or females?
The Corriander Conspiracies has 8 main characters, 5 males and 3 females. There are many supporting characters, but only about 7 that we'd see on a regular basis, of which there are 3 males and 4 females.
Partners has 6 main characters, and doesn't have any supporting characters that are well-developed enough yet. There are 3 males and 3 females.
Other shows don't have polished character lists yet.
While I do have more male characters, I wouldn't say I necessarily prefer them. I think it's more quantity with male characters but quality with females - almost every female character is vivid and well-developed, but not all the male characters are.
Today I drove out to visit my friend Molly, who lives about an hour and fifteen minutes away. We picked her up and had lunch at Steak n Shake, and hung out at the mall for a while. I bought some Cadbury eggs, new sunglasses, and a shirt with mustachioed Sesame Street characters on it that says "M is for Mustache". I think it's well worth the $20.
We used to be obsessed with Lost back in 8th grade when it was the first season, but she got busy with high school, and never watched past the first few episodes of season two. So I was explaining to her where the show is now. "Okay, you remember Henry Gale? No? Well, he was this guy they found in the jungle and kept in the hatch and interrogated for like five episodes. And his name is really Benjamin Linus. And he killed Locke. But now there's this evil god that's walking around in a Locke suit. Oh, and he's the smoke monster. Also Charlie is dead."
30 day writing meme,