Went on a spree today and added a bunch of people from
add_a_writer, thought they should see something other than a bunch of Twitter posts.
I've been out of school for weeks, but I suppose I'm still in that early summer stage where you're just soaking up your freedom and putting off work for sleep and unproductive activity, if it can be called activity.
Since I'm at a huge turning point in my life, I want to do all these posts about my graduation and college enrollment and such. Big serious things I seldom feel like writing about, but think I should put out there before I go on to other things. So I've been a bit stuck, but I'm making myself get to it, sometime this week.
My posting as a whole has gone down in the past few months, since I've been busy with school or suffering from summer laziness. But I'm dedicated to this journal, and more regular posting is something I definitely want to get back to. I also want to post more writing.
Been cleaning house, catching up on TV shows (done with Supernatural and Dollhouse, working on Lost and Fringe), planning for my graduation party on Friday. Had an Enrollment Day at Lindenwood on Friday, registered for classes (although dad is concerned about me having one class that isn't required for either GenEd or my major, so I may change that), got my ID, bought a t-shirt, still waiting on dorm info. Going to the Young Writer's Workshop again, leaving a week from Tuesday.
I'm finally working on my pilot, like my new year's resolution said I was supposed to. It's not in screenplay format, but I thought I should get the story down before messing with that.
Corr opened his eyes, stuck together with more grit and gunk that usual. Frowning with displeasure at this development, he moved his right arm up to clear his eyelashes. His whole body was sore and groggy, and the arm moved slowly, then stopped with a jerk. He was hooked up to an IV. The cord was wound around the pole a couple times, giving him limited range of movement. He sighed and just used his left arm, awkwardly. It was numb, the deep cut covered with blood-spotted bandages and tape that would be a pain to peel off.
Eyes clear, he blinked a couple times and gave the room a more scrutinizing look. A hospital room, which explained the IV and proper dressing. It was thankfully devoid of pastels. The walls were painted a pale caramel color and had a textured plastic handrail running along them.
It was a double room, and Corr was in the bed by the door; the bed by the window was empty and sheet-less. He must've been on a high floor, because the window only showed dark sky. With the sun setting ever earlier as autumn progressed, at least half the day was dark. He could've been out two hours or twelve. Looking for a clock, he twisted around in his bed, but saw nothing in the movement he could muster. Tired, he flopped down onto the soft pillows with a "whoof". There was a water stain on the ceiling.
I somehow starting having a "writing tag" (for when I'm just talking about it) and a "writings" tag (for when I actually have something to share). I really need to reorganize those.