"You're scaring her!"

Jan 18, 2009 21:01

-Pick up to 15 OTPs.
- Describe them in 15 words or less.
- Have your flist guess the OTP.

1. She may be a foxy lady, but she's also Fox's lady. (TV) Mulder & Scully (The X-Files) mashi_is_insane
2. Only time it's advisable for a mother to let her child around a drug addict. (TV)
3. He has three hairs. She has three feet of hair. (TV) Homer & Marge (The Simpsons) rosevixen
4. Life is short: gratuitously make out in your ship's cockpit. (TV)
5. They finish each other's sentences IN RHYME. And wear matching costumes. (Anime) Jessie & James (Pokemon) mashi_is_insane
6. The best relationships begin with picking up men in dungeons and teaching them to steal. (Book) Alec & Seregil (The Nightrunner Series) tranisent_being
7. He's a dirty, dirty boy. But only because he's a chimneysweep. (Movie)
8. Hey hey, you you, I don't like your girlfriend. Think I'll inadvertently kill her. (TV)
9. Why do Maine and California have to be on oppostie ends of the country? (TV)
10. Two pale freaks find love and tell each other how nice they smell. (Book) Edward & Bella (Twilight) tranisent_being
11. He's a trigger-happy FBI agent. She's a socially awkward scientist. Together they solve crimes! (TV) Booth & Brennan (Bones) rosevixen
12. Cat-killing: because he cares. (TV)
13. Touch-a, touch-a, touch-a, touch me -- oh wait, you can't. (TV) Ned & Chuck (Pushing Daisies) rosevixen
14. Rich man crushes on family maid while still married to invisible ice queen. (TV)
15. "So, how did you two meet?" "Cryogenic freezing." (TV) Fry & Leela (Futurama) mashi_is_insane

Yesterday Annie and I drove out to see Ashley. I saw Ashley a couple weeks ago, but I hadn't had an offline conversation with Annie in years. It was nice to catch up. We drove around Lake St. Louis, wandered a Wal-Mart supercenter, bought 10 Jack in the Box Tacos, watched Pineapple Express, looked at Ashley's yearbook, browsed random pictures on my laptop, went through Cake Wrecks, and "awww'd" over Ashley's cats. It was a great time.

If you're at St. Louis Bread Co. (or Panera Bread for you non-locals) and you see a small hard thing that looks like it's covered with nacho cheese, buy it. It's an orange scone, and it's softer than it looks and is actually covered with sweet orange icing. Tasty. :)

food, fandoms, out and about, ships, ashley, random, friends, meme

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