mashi_is_insaneRules: Put your MP3 player on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results. The first line of the twenty-first is the title.
"Is there anybody going to listen to my story?"
Oh, well imagine, as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor
I can't talk, I gotta go
I'm out of gas, I'm on the drift
Whooooaaaaa-ohhhh-ahhh-ohhh, for the longest time
"Orange" you glad you've got your Nickelodeon?
What a lot of fun, you guys have been real swell
What do you do when you get lonley, and nobody's waiting by your side?
There are so many people who think they can do it alone
I'm thinking about my doorbell, when you gonna ring it?
The nurse should not be the one who puts salt in your wounds
You're seventeen, evil and mean
And the sky was made of amythst
Ships are docking, planes are landing
What would you think if I sang out of tune?
You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht
Someday mother will die and I'll get the money
Tonight, I'm gonna have myself a real good time
Cause he gets up in the morning, and he goes to work at nine
Sometimes I feel like I need a vacation
My eyes burn, everybody smokes
rosevixen A (rather late) end-of-the-year fandom awards thingy.
Best Movie: My geekiness declares it to be The X-Files: I Want To Believe
Honorable Mentions: Hellboy II: The Golden Army, The Dark Knight, Twilight (for the lulz), Be Kind Rewind, National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Best TV Series: Supernatural
Argument for the whiny elitists: Because of Supernatural, I now tear up whenever I hear Bon Jovi's "Dead or Alive". And seeing Dean in Hell scared me more than any demon or monster on the show. They've had a good mix of drama and humor this year, in both the last half of season three and the first half of season four. I love the inclusion of the angel storyline.
Honorable Mentions: Lost, House, Bones (despite the heartbreak, or perhaps because of it)
Best Character in a TV Series: Walter Bishop (Fringe) "Peter! I want some cotton candy. Blue! Not pink."
Honorable Mentions: I started listing some, but there are just too many.
Best Actor: Why doesn't Hugh Laurie have an Emmy yet? It makes my heart sad. And Jensen and Jared need to be nominated.
Best Game: Preps vs. Goths on Zwinky. (It's addicting, shut up.) I can win at the first two levels, and completely fail at the third. Arrrghh! (Although I did make it all the way to level FIVE the other day. That was pretty amazing.)
Honorable Mentions: Pizza Pitch, Barista Challenge, Pie Oh My
Best Anime: I haven't seen it in forever, but Cowboy Bebop. I want me that complete series boxset.
Best Character in an Anime: Team Rocket. Always.
Best Random Obsession: Tragic relationships (I'm extremely sensitive to the plights of fictional characters.)
Honorable Mentions: Everyone is a Petrelli, the Cranes are my new favorite TV family, getting the geeky jokes on Big Bang Theory, Twilight flair, squeeing over XF2, building fandom playlists for my iPod, crusading against cancellations, waiting for the next Nightrunner book, the high levels of bromance in M*A*S*H, staging imaginary character battles (I think John Casey could beat up Jayne Cobb), wondering why Wash wears a cargo vest sometimes, even though he's a pilot and has nothing to carry.