I had a very nice New Years. Went over to Mashi's and watched the Hey Arnold! movie and Ferngully, sort of celebrating the new year by looking back to our childhoods. We watched the ball drop on TV, banged some pots and pans, and slept. My first meal of the new year got to be Jimmy John's sandwiches, which I love.
New Years Resolutions
Write the pilot for
The Corriander ConspiraciesBe more involved in preservation and saving of television shows (anti-cancellation projects)
Spread the fandom love (Mashi, you're reading Watchmen; Liz, you're reading Nightrunner; everybody's watching Firefly)
Take more pictures
Procrastinate less
Try and lose some weight
And the important life stuff: finish community service hours, take the ACT again, get some scholarships, survive graduating high school and going to college, learn to drive, maybe get a job.
What to Look Forward to in 2009
Return of my TV shows
Premeire of Dollhouse
The Watchmen movie (and midnight premiere with Shelby)
Star Trek
My nephew turns 10, wow
Renaissance Faire
Can't Stop the Serenity
Young Writer's Workshop
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The White Road, 5th book in the Nightrunner series
19th birthday
Rocky Horror at the Tivoli
First Night
More MMOSHs, hopefully
The Shepard's Tale Serenity graphic novel should come out at some point
I'll probably come back and edit this as I find more events.