Apr 01, 2008 16:03
I am trying out for American Idol.
Once an Idol, I will record an album with Hillary Duff.
I will also do endorsements for Crocs.
Wearing my teeny tiny yellow dress and stappy heels to the awards, I will win a Grammy and rub it in the face of my competition.
I think I'll shave my head.
I will try out for a part in Agent Cody Banks 4.
I might do missionary work in the Amazon.
But as for my life right now, I think I'm going to give up on Lost.
And that X-Files movie, pfft. There's no way that's going to be good.
I don't think Arrested Development was really that funny.
I'm really glad that Hoban Washburne is dead. He and Zoey never had any chemistry.
House and Cameron make the CUTEST couple.
i luv 2 txt mssg LOL hey r u go n 2 da club ltr? OMG
I suck at April Fools Day pranks.
(That Wash one actually hurt. My heart!!)