Meme I found in rosevixen's journal.

Oct 25, 2007 16:54

I love fandom meme's. I'll probably do this again with my other fandoms.

Pick up to three of your fandoms and answer these 10 questions for each fandom.

Fandom #1: Heroes
Fandom #2: Supernatural
Fandom #3: Firefly

Question #1: What are your OTPs for each fandom? Why?
1. There are a ton of ships (okay, slashes) for this show, but I’d say Sylar and Mohinder. I honestly can’t picture Sylar with anyone but Mo now.
2. … I’m going to have to say Wincest, aren’t I?
3. Wash and Zoey are one of my favorite couples, ever.

Question #2: Who is your single most favorite character?
1. Can’t choose! I do have a soft spot for Hiro, though. He’s so adorable.
2. If I had to choose between the boys, I’d say Dean.
3. When I first saw the Serenity movie, I fell in love with River. It was like they’d picked her right out of my own imagination.

Question #3: Pick a theme song for either your favorite character or your OTP, what is it?
1. They Might Be Giant’s “Don’t Let’s Start” always reminded me of Claire and her relationships with Noah, and Nathan, and Peter. But now it’s sort of a Molly/Matt/Mohinder song too.
2. Oh, Supernatural has so many songs, but the best one is Kansas’ “Carry On My Wayward Son”.
3. David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” is the Firefly song. It especially makes me think of when Wash died.

Question #4: Favorite Episode?
1. It’s always hard to pick for serial dramas. Company Man was very touching.
2. Tall Tales was hilarious.
3. I’m pretty fond of Shindig.

Question #5: Who has been your favorite guest star?
1. Heroes has had so many awesome ones. But I’d have to pick George Takei.
2. The Cigarette Smoking Man was in one episode. (I instinctively don’t trust him and was yelling, “No! Run, Dean, run!”)
3. Cam from Bones was River's Academy teacher in flashbacks/havids in the movie.

Question #6: Favorite or least favorite Villain/Baddie/Mean character?
1. Sylar! Sylar! Sylar!
2. The Seven Deadly Sins were a pretty cool concept.
3. Niska. Because I just like saying, “You died, Mr. Reynolds!”

Question #7: If you could cross any of these shows with any of your other fandoms, which ones and why?
1. I’ve always wanted to see the look on Jack Bauer’s face if he shot Claire and she just healed and spat the bullet back out. :)
2. A Supernatural/X-Files crossover would ROCK THE HOUSE. *sigh*
3. Pushing Daisies. So that Ned can bring Wash and Book back to life, of course.

Question #8: If you could write any fic slash, het, gen, anything, what is that ONE story you would write?
1. The cast of Heroes goes on Jerry Springer.
2. The Impala gets possessed.
3. Wash and Book magically come back to life!! (Of course, Jayne would be like “OMGZOMBIES!!!” and try to shoot them.)

Question #9: What is your biggest meta-drama-wank issue?
1. What the heck do those cockroaches mean??
2. We all know that Sam and Dean love each other, but can’t we get an “I love you” or a hug or something? Take a page out of the Petrelli’s book!
3. Due to the series’ cancellation, I can see how not all of the questions were answered, but really, why did you have to kill off Wash and Book? (Those deaths, especially Wash’s, just really get to me. It’s like salt in the wound. The show got cancelled, and, look, now we’re killing the characters off!)

Question #10: If you could have your show extended for another five seasons, what would be some things you want to see?
1. What if the non-powered characters (Noah, Mohinder, Ando, ect.) had powers?
2. A body-switch episode. Maybe some time-travel.
3. More character backstory. There just wasn’t time in the roughly eighteen hours of story that this show got.

fandoms, firefly, heroes, supernatural, meme, tv

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