Today me and Mashi went with the family and the "Colorelatives" to the Science Center. Got to go into the Marvel Superhereos exhibit, but didn't do a whole lot. Mostly me and Mashi sat at a table and drew. She drew herself a Lyoko!Mashi, and I made a lovely Heroes-themed picture. Took a ton of pictures and played with the stuff in the gift shop. Great time. I fixed up all the pix in Photoshop, they ought to be posted on Facebook..... sometime this week. Tomorrow we're going to Six Flags with relatives (I am SO hitting the ice cream parlour), and Friday I'm going to Ashley's for her birthday. And Thursday I make a desert for the BBQ on Saturday.
*Jessi XX finally gets a shower, some clothes, and a (fake) identity! She's supposed to be Hollander's little sister. Aww. Holly is the Simon to Jessi's River.
*Is anyone else getting some slight House vibes from That Shady Black Guy At MADA? In the scene where he looks at Jessi and says, "She creeps me out. Get her a teddy bear or something."? Just me? And he apparently ALSO has a thing for metaphors and similies. This is a show that just loves its figurative language.
*Josh finally has a love interest, and it's a cute gamer girl that hangs out in the boys bathroom because it's where her laptop gets the best wireless signal. And her name is Andie Jensen, which prompted a total fangirl freakout from me. (Of course, I have no idea how Andie is spelled....)
*Diekmann reference!!
*Hillary is back, and has decided to re-virginize herself. This means wearing sweater/dress combos and carrying around a picnic basket. Since Lori is having problems with Deckligan, she jumps on the bandwagon too, and the two celebrate by drinking liquoir in the local beache's unofficial Sex Shack. Uh-huh. They also apparently believe that the polar opposite of sex and boys is working on a school committee.
*Deckligan has emo potential, but his facial expression doesn't really have enough range. Of course, he also has the potential to be Kyle's bofriend, as he spends all his time brooding about him now.
*Kyle is gal pals with practically every girl on this show. He drinks tea and discusses books with Nicole, hugs and makes afterschool plans with Amanda, and gives Lori pep talks and physically drags her out of bed when she's down. If you actually watched the scenes, you would see what I'm talking about.
*Tom Foss has no other friends besides Kyle. He just sits alone in his abandoned warehouse all day long.
*Kyle XY can now walk through fire and not get burned. Now I'm just waiting for him to fly and learn to stop time. Maybe turn invisible.
*Stephen didn't do much. Just eat cupcakes.
*At high school, it's time for The List to be released, where students vote for other students in different catagories. Lori and Deckligan made Cutest Couple, which is sad because they just broke up because of his Kyle Issues. Amanda's cheating boyfriend Charlie was voted Biggest Slut, and I just laughed and laughed. Amanda didn't think it was so funny, though. Hillary came clean about the time she and Charlie slept together, and Amanda is just all kinds of mad, since Kyle tried to tell her but couldn't, and she wouldn't rather heard it from him.
*There's a scene where Amanda gives Kyle back the charm of the patron saint of people who've lost a parent because she believes that his "parents" "died in a car crash", and even though he insists it's for her, he takes it anyway. Anyway, it prompted a few Breakfast Club references from Jimmy, which were amusing.