Six pages of TV Reviews

Feb 17, 2007 08:33

Dad went to get his car worked on last night, and I tagged along. Dobbs had a computer set up with a sort of make your dream car program on it. I made the Impala, of course, complete with spooky forest background. Went to the Cecil Whittakers for dinner. Hung out there and at Dobbs for a while, then went home. Today I have some laundry and cleaning to do. Want to go to the mall with Mashi tonight. And They Might Be Giants are playing free tonight downtown for Mardi Gras!! I soooo want to go. TMBG rule!

Lost just totally knocked my socks off me this week. It was a very creative, trippy, twisting episode that I’m still not sure I completely understand, but I’m enjoying the confusion. I think this is a sign of good things to come. Some people might think that going into time travel might be a bit too far, but I think that time travel is such a big hole that they wouldn’t dig themselves into it unless they knew how to get out. You know?
Due to the back-and-forth nature of this week’s episode, it’s gonna be a little hard to do a full coherent review, but here I go.
Hurley and Charlie are going through Sawyer’s stuff in his absence when Desmond comes up and takes them to where Locke and Sayid are waiting in the jungle. They tell them that Eko is dead and that they want help controlling the castaways when they tell them. They’re talking and such when Desmond’s ears pipe and up and he runs towards the beach. Claire is out in the water, drowning, so Des jumps in and saves her. Charlie’s immediately there to help out, and stays by Claire’s side while Des resuscitates her. (Yeah, I’m kinda seeing things through my shipper goggles.) Charlie yells at Des, he want to know how he knew Claire was drowning, and as Des walks away, Hurley turns and looks at him. Something’s up. That instance, along with Des talking about Locke’s speech before he gives it, and knowing that it would rain, makes Hurley believe that Des has some sort of precognitive powers, and he and Charlie want to know what’s going on and what happened when the hatch imploded. Their plan? Get Desmond drunk. He’s reluctant to drink with them at first, but once he sees that it’s MacCutchen’s whiskey, he’s all too eager. Soon he’s soused, with Charlie and Hurley drinking along and singing. Then Charlie starts grilling him about the incident and the beach and how he knows what’s going to happen, and Des gets all defensive and walks off. Charlie yells and calls him a coward, and Des turns and jumps on him.
Then the “flashbacks” begin. Des is lying on an apartment floor, splashed in red, and Penny is rushing to get him cleaned up. I thought it was blood at first, of course, but I noticed that it was a bit too rosy, so I’m like “Oh, it’s paint! Clever!” And so it was. Des is surprised to see that he’s back in his apartment with Pen, and things like the clock reading 1:08 and the beeping of the microwave just remind him of the hatch. It’s almost like his current mind is aware of its full range of experience and is actually experiencing the flashback in real-time. It’s really hard to explain, and that’s why I loved this concept so much. It’s something I’ve never seen before. Desmond goes into Mr. Widmore’s office under guise of asking for a job, but he really wants to ask for Pen’s hand in marriage. Widmore takes out the MacCutchen’s and says that if Desmond isn’t worthy to drink his whiskey, he isn’t worthy to marry his daughter. (Island references include a package for room 815, and a painting in Widmore’s office with a polar bear and a Buddha in it.)
Desmond is understandably upset, so he gets out of the building, throw his tie away and everything, and hears music on the street. And there’s our own Charlie (Middle name: Heronymous) Pace, playing Oasis’ “Wonderwall”! I loved this, not just because of the parallels between the Pace brothers and the Gallagher brothers, but because “Wonderwall” is just such a Charlie song, and I think that other fans agree. (“And all the roads that lead us there are winding, and all the lights that light the way are blinding”) Desmond recognizes Charlie and is carrying on all about the island, and what Charlie’s doing there, and Charlie just says the gathered crowd “See, this is why we don’t do drugs.” Hee. I wonder what time it is in Charlie’s life right now. Is he on drugs yet? Is Driveshaft still together? Then Desmond starts to remember what’s going to happen. It’s kinda weird, like he knows what he’s done on the island, and he knows that he’s in the past and that he’s lived this part of his life before, but he can’t really remember all of what has happened/is happening.
Anyway, he goes to see a friend of his that is a physicist or something to ask him about time travel. They go to a pub and “Make Your Own Kind Of Music” starts playing on the jukebox, and Desmond starts to remember more of the future. He tells his friend that, on the soccer (well, technically, football, since they’re in England) match on the pub TV, their team will come back and win in the last twenty seconds. And that the next day, a man will come into the pub and bash the bartender with a cricket bat because the pub owner owes him money. But, the team doesn’t win. Desmond goes home to Penny, and the next day he goes to a small jewelry store to buy her an engagement ring. The (awesome) old lady there shows him a small, but pretty ring, a thin gold band with a tiny almond-shaped diamond. Desmond says that he’ll take it, and the woman says “No.” Des doesn’t understand, and the woman says that he’s supposed to change his mind and walk out without buying anything. That’s his path. Desmond still doesn’t get it, so the woman asks “Do you like chestnuts?” and they leave.
In the park, she buys her hot roasted chestnuts and they sit down on the bench. She points out a man in red imitation Chucks and how the color red is a bold statement. We see the man walk by a building-in-progress, and part of it collapses on him and so he is dead. Desmond knows that the woman knew that he was going to die, and asks why she didn’t do anything. She says that it wouldn’t have made a difference. If it wasn’t the building, it would have been food poisoning or being run over by a car. Destiny has a way of “course-correcting” itself. He had to die. She also says that it’s Desmond’s destiny to break up with Penelope, go on that boat race, crash on that island, and press that button. It has to happen. He can try to avoid it, but his destiny can’t be averted.
Des goes to meet Penny, and a street vendor gets the two of them to stand in front of a backdrop and take that marina photo we’ve been seeing in Desmond’s possession. Des looks at it, and his future memories come flooding back. He realizes that he does have to leave Pen to get to that island and save the world. He gives the daddy of all “it’s not you, it’s me” speeches to her, and miserably heads off to the pub. There, Mama Cass starts playing again and the home team really does win the match. Des believes that he’s got the wrong day and that there’s still a way to be with Pen and avoid his future/past. But then the guy with the cricket bat comes in and smashes in the barkeep’s head. Des then knows that this is a sign telling him that he can’t change his fate. He has to follow his path and get to the island. Then we see him waking up after the hatch implodes and looking down into the crater where the hatch once was. (I’m gonna miss that place. The hatch was so cool.)
Then it’s back to real time, with Desmond attacking Charlie on the beach. Hurley manages to peel them off each other, and Charlie helps the drunken Desmond to his tent. He apologizes, but has to ask about the psychicness one more time. Desmond then explains that he has tried to prevent it, but he doesn’t think that he can anymore. The death has to happen. We’ve all been thinking it’s Claire that has had to die, what with the lightning that would’ve stricken her tent if Des hadn’t build the lightning rod, and her almost drowning. But it’s Charlie. Charlie’s the one that’s supposed to die. The lightning would’ve hit him, and he would’ve drowned himself trying to save Claire. Desmond tells Charlie, “No matter what I do, you’re going to die.”
Like, wow. WOW. I really enjoyed this week’s episode. It went somewhere the show hasn’t gone before, and opened a lot of new doors for theories. The back and forth with time aspect was interesting, and the concept of Desmond almost being consciously aware that he’s flashing back was creative. I liked the placement of island references, the recurring theme of red, and, of course, “Wonderwall”. That just made the episode for me. I wonder what’s going to happen with Charlie now. It seems almost too obvious to kill him off now, but I don’t know how he’s going to get out of this. I’m thinking that he has to die because of his closeness to Claire and Aaron and the whole “raise the baby by yourself” aspect from back in season one. Can’t wait to see how the rest of this season plays out. Next week is a Jack episode (we find out about his tattoos!), and from the previews, I think the awesome old lady is back. And Cindy too! Remember her?

As part of my week of cleaning, I was organizing papers while I watched Bones, so I wasn’t paying as much attention. I do know that the victim this week was a rich guy, an old friend of Hodgins’. Part of the evidence they got from the crime scene was a photo in a frame of him, the rich guy, and some other people. He removes the photo and takes it to the guy’s sister, who he used to be engaged to. This gets him in big trouble, both because he knew the victim and because he tampered with evidence. But everything turns out alright in the end. We get to see Caroline Julienne, from Judas on a Pole, again, and she is fun. Hodgins and Angela have their shippy moments, and Booth continues to meet with the amusing Gordon (Gordon) Wyatt. Bones continues her relationship with Sully, and even sleeps with him. I’m happy for her and all, but come on…. Booth/Bones!! Ah well, Sully is just a passing storyline. They’ll get together in the long run.

Earl was really funny. It was his birthday, and all the residents of Camden show up at the Crab Shack for his party. He wants to celebrate all the good stuff he’s done in that year, but people just keep bringing up the bad stuff. We see sort of flashbacks to what it was that he did that people mentioned, so it was like a non-clip show clip show. Cool format. Eventually, he gets tired of everyone talking bad about him, and he goes back to the motel where everyone is there waiting for him for the real surprise party. Randy wanted everybody to talk bad about Earl to make the good part of the party feel even better. And their present to him was that each person crossed something off his list. Sweet. Since it’s a birthday party, everybody dances at the end, and I swear Randy is doing the Twin Peaks dance. The whole turn from side to side and snap your fingers thing. That is so how they danced on Twin Peaks.

The Office was, once again, hilarious. This week it was directed by Joss Whedon, and the episode had a vampire in it! Okay, not really. A bat is loose in the office, and Jim convinces Dwight that it bit him and he’s turning into a vampire. Jim plays it brilliantly, he gets Karen to play along with it, putting out garlic bread that ‘burns’ Jim when he touches it and such. He gets a headache from all the lights and from Angela’s crucifix, stares at Dwight’s neck, and turns up the collar on his black coat at the end and looks back at Dwight menacingly. And Dwight totally buys it. Definitely in my top three of Jim pranks. The scenes with the bat are hilarious; everybody is running around screaming, Stanley just leaves completely, and someone runs into the camera. Angela stops, drops, and rolls, and Creed just sits back and enjoys it. They trap the bat in the break room, but then Meredith can’t come out of the bathroom, so at the end of the day, Dwight runs in there to get the bat out, and it gets caught in Meredith’s hair and he puts the garbage bag over her head and almost strangles her trying to trap the bat. Absolutely hilarious. Meanwhile, Ryan takes Michael to his business school to give a presentation, and Michael enters with his own theme music, throws candy bars into the “audience”, rips up a textbook, and lists the major industries of today, one of which is railroads. Pam is having some of her artwork in a local art show, and is trying to get people to come, but nobody really does. (Her art, by the way, consists of well done but simple colored pencil and/or watercolor drawings of things like flower vases, staplers, and the Dunder Mifflin building.) Roy shows up, because they’re sorta back together, and he brings his brother with him. Oscar brings his boyfriend, who calls it ‘motel art’. Cute little Pam is understandably upset that no one from the office really came to see her, and is taking her stuff down at the end of the show when everyone has left. Then Michael comes in, apologizes for being late, and is just amazed by her artwork. He’s really impressed, and even wants to buy the Dunder Mifflin picture. He tells Pam that he’s really proud of her, and she just tears up and hugs him and says Thank You. It was a really sweet and cute scene that makes me smile just thinking about it now. Michael can be overbearing, socially awkward, and just plain out of his mind, but you can’t say he doesn’t care about people. And Pam is just adorable.

Supernatural = *dies from laughter and cute* OMG THAT WAS HILARIOUS. It was a completely comedic episode, like Bad Blood with touches of Syzygy and Jose Chung, if you’re familiar with X-Files. I laughed and/or gasped in glee throughout the entire thing. First off, the previouslys were all clips of Sam and Dean arguing and pranking each other. That can only mean good stuff. The episode starts out with a beautiful but otherworldly woman putting the moves on a college professor, then pushing him out of a window.
Next we see it, it’s a week later, and Sam and Dean are in a (neat looking) motel room. Sam’s doing research from the books, and is yelling at Dean for eating chili fries on his bed. Heh. He also says that the research would be easier if he had his laptop, and Dean says something about Sam trashing the Impala, and so they bicker. Then Cool Bobby comes in because they called him for a consult, and he wants to boys to tell him what’s been going on. Sam says that it started about a week ago, when they heard about the death at a local bar. We see Sam talking to college kids, and then going to see Dean, whose downing bizarre drinks called purple nurples and hanging with a trashy woman. Then Dean’s like “that’s not how it happened!” and we see Dean’s POV of that night, which is him acting gentlemanly towards a classy woman, and then Sam comes up. He’s got his jacket slung over his shoulder, holding it with one finger, and is acting all, well… bitchy. Jared’s performance here is just perfect, he’s being all snippy and snooty with Dean (that jacket thing is just perfect), and I just held out my arms towards the TV and cried, “I wanna hug Jared!!” Sam’s like “I don’t act like that!” and so the bickering continues, but Bobby makes them continue the story.
Sam tells about how they dressed as power company workers and a janitor let them into the late professor’s office. Sam talks with the janitor and looks around for clues, while Dean eats. I’m not sure what it was that he was eating, I was just laughing too hard. I don’t know where Jensen’s face naturally does this, or if it was some kind of effect, but his cheeks just get huge and his face bends all out of shape as he stuff more food in his mouth. So adorable. I just want to pinch his giant cheeks! So the boys go back to the motel and Sam discovers that his laptop has frozen up and immediately blames Dean, who denies it. Sam asks how Dean would like it if he messed with the car. Dean says that he’d kill Sam. More bickering. More Bobby acting cool. Next we see a college jock being abducted by aliens. It’s time for Dean’s POV of that little interview.
They talk to the boy, who says that he was probed “over and over and over and over and over…. And then one more time”. Hee hee. He also says that the alien made him dance with it. “Lady in Red” plays and we see the boy awkwardly slow dancing with a small gray alien in a starry room. Yes, that really happened. I think that might’ve been my hardest laugh of the night. It’s just so random. The jock continues his story and Sam gets all weepy and says something like, “I acknowledge your pain, brave little soldier. You’re too precious for this world,” and gives the jock this huge bear hug that last for a really long time. *dissolves into a fit of giggles* Even when he’s not hugging him, he keeps patting his shoulder. Way to many times. Sam denies this happened, of course, but Dean continues his story. He goes to the Impala, but sees that the tires have been popped, but finds a wad of money with a money clip inscribed with S W. Sam Winchester, you’re in troouubblle!! So Dean goes to the motel to yell at Sam, and Sam tries to get his money back, and the boys just start fighting. Like, the Arrested Development kind of fighting. Lots of grab hands and rolling around. They fall onto the bed and scuffle around there for a while. (“That’s not fighting, that’s aggressive spooning!”) Sooooo cuuuuute. Bickering. Bobby.
We see a college researcher find a quarter in a sewer and get eaten by a sewer gator. The boys go to see the body and find a gator scale on his back. But sewer gators aren’t real, right? And neither are the alien abductions. Why has all this stuff been happening around the campus, who’s causing it, what really happened to the laptop and car, and why do the Winchesters keep fighting? Cool Bobby knows! It’s a trickster, a sort of malevolent spirit that likes to mess with people and can make stuff appear out of thin air. And it must be somebody at the campus. It’s the janitor!! The boys get back in costume, and go to the campus and talk to the janitor again. They find his locker, with tons of tabloids inside that he’s been getting his prank ideas from. They boys go outside and fight over what to do, and the janitor watches as Sam storms off.
Later that night, Dean goes to the school auditorium to confront the janitor, and finds two hot lingerie-wearing chicks, a giant bed, and Barry White music. (“Bow chicka wow wow Barry White!”) Dean’s tempted, sure, but knows that it’s the trickster making all this appear. There’s the janitor, sitting in the seats, and he says that he’s sorry that he had to do this to the Winchesters. He thinks that they’re good people, they work hard to get what they want, but he just loves to play the tricks on people. He says that Dean can have the girls as a peace offering if they just let the janitor escape. No such luck. Sam and Bobby come storming in with stakes to kill the trickster, who fights back. The lingerie girls start beating up Dean (lol), the janitor slams Bobby against a wall (Poor Bobby, always getting slammed against walls), and a chainsaw wielding madman shows up to take down Sam. After a lot of fun fighting, they get the janitor with a stake through the heart, and the girls and the madman disappear. The boys and Bobby run to the Impala to get out of there before anything else happens, and Sam stops Dean and says, “I’m, uh….”, and Dean just says “Yeah, me too.” Aww, look, they apologized to each other! So they drive off, and we see the janitor’s body dead in the auditorium seat. And then another janitor comes up and just smiles. See, the janitor that they killed was just another figment created by the real trickster!! I hope there’s another funny episode when they bring him back.
So, in summary, bitchy jacket-carrying Sam, chipmunk cheek Dean, jock hugging, Lady in Red, aggressive spooning, Bobby, and Barry White. Absolutely hilarious. I’m still giggling right now. This review cannot do it justice. The funniest episode of the series that I’ve seen, and one of my top favorites. I love my boys.
But a hiatus until mid-March? Come on, Kripke! Are you trying to kill off your fangirls?

office, lost, earl, supernatural, bones

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