May 18, 2011 19:54
Last year during my episode of everything. I was ALL over the place. Rushing to do things that I probably will never had done, acting like life was short and everything. I think it did the opposite to, just stress me out even more. I had waaaaaaayyyyy to many goals, too many blogs that I don't even know where those blogs are anymore. I was doing to many things at once all at once, it was driving me crazy. I wanted to get my career going almost taking too much stuff to handle, and I was on meds that made me feel basically invincible, which now I know. I'm totally NOT invincible. I'm just ordinary, but I would like to think I'm invincible like some people think they are. Or is that just what I think everyone else thinks? LOL Does that make sense?
I got back to Miami around maybe February before spring semester ended. I had to volunteer somewhere for a class down here and take these 2 classes for an AA degree, which I still haven't gotten yet. Then bam, my MRI showed that the tumor was back in the last 2 months. Sooooo I think that is why I haven't updated in here for a while. I am just got out of the hospital like a week and a half ago and I'm taking it easy. I FINALLY got sleeping pills! WEEEE because most sleep I've gotten these past few weeks is like 4 and I really do need beauty rest. I'm taking it slow now though, and I just want to be creative and not really rush into things anymore like I did last year. Yes I basically had the same surgery exact date and everything as last year. Soooooooo its basically the same thing, but different and I feel less rushed to go on with life. I think I'm just going to go with whatever comes comes, and be the best person I can be.
In the past month I've gotten to hang out with some old high school friends that I've been avoiding since we graduated in high school in 06. Well we all hung out our freshman year then seperated and yeah. It was nice hanging out with them again. Good times good times. Nerve wracking yes cause you don't know if they are the same exact person or not, but it turns out they basically are, just more older since high school, but still cool. Okay I think that really is about it for now. Hopefully I'll get on here to update with more and more exciting stuff.
Guess this really wasnt exciting after all, BUUUUUUTTTTTT... I'm sort of high on meds and just talking and talking and talking and rambling right now. GAWD I CANT WAIT FOR THOSE SLEEPING PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!