Dec 07, 2008 18:53
Why is it that scent has such a huge effect on memory?
I roasted a turkey yesterday, merely because I roast at least one turkey every year, and my freezer is sad without having at least some stock or turkey cubes or somesuch there. So yesterday I smelled roasting turkey. Today, it's the simmering stockpot (6 hours so far). And this time last year, this process was the last big thing Conrad and I did together before he deployed. He did the dishes and heavy lifting; I did the actual cooking.
Well, actually, not the absolute LAST big thing. I helped him pack, both his own stuff, and the comm room. But that's a bit too depressing to think about, heh. And makes me remember just how much USAF deployments irk me. Four months? Really? Oy. (Yes, Michael, I'm talking to you. Poor boy, can't get any for 4 months. *snerk*)
Anyway... The smell of turkey always reminds me of my little family. The kids, Conrad, a few friends who are more family than my 'real' family... Now is the holiday season, of holly and the bells, and waiting for March.