Jan 26, 2005 07:24
The best 89 cents ever spent was spent on a White Chocolate Mocha coffee drink thing from the 76 Station when the bus driver missed my stop. I pulled it a full 30 seconds before my desired stop. He didn't. I got up and said, "My stop was the last one." He said, "You pulled it too late." I damn near bitched him out, but instead I said, "Fuck it, I'm not going to argue with you." I was pissed but then got my coffee. It kicks ass.
Crystal, you are one of the coolest people that I know. Way to go. Always happy and nice. I wish I could be more like you. You shine brighter than the sun in July. There. Your own post.
Wow. I'm suddenly feeling better. WTF. How did that happen. I hope it lasts.